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WKO+ and MAC

This is for any of you who are MAC users with WKO.  I already had VMware on my MAC so with the help of my MAC guy (I am not very techy myself) got the program up and running and was learning how to use the graphs and data.  Then, I did the Lion OS upgrade.  Many things changed for the worse, including not getting my power data anymore.  The joule downloads the data to training peaks but is not making the connection to WKO.  I can find all the files as 'bin files' but  cannot see into them.  Any suggestions?  (Mac guy busy this week, training to keep his State doubles title in racket ball this weekend, imagine!)  I am so frustrated I'm about ready to buy a cheap windows PC just for this!


  • I was in a similar boat, trying to decide whether or not to replace an old XP machine just to run WKO+. Instead I upgraded to a premium Training Peaks account which now has all the analysis tools that WKO+ has. It works well with my Mac running its native OS, but I still have Snow Leopard and haven't upgraded to Lion. So far I can't find anything I could do on WKO that I can't do with Training Peaks online in terms of power analysis, etc. The online version also has some additional tools that the standalone WKO doesn't.
  • Is it just that the device agent is not bringing it into your profile, but is uploading it to trainingpeaks or something else? I am running Parellels on my computer (similar to VM) and haven't had an issue and have been running Lion since it was officially released. Have you tried the download from trainingpeaks option to see if that pulls in your data? If you can give me some more info on the specific issue I may be able to help. I don't have my mac next to me right now, but I may be able to help without it.
  • When my PC crashed and I got a MAC, I considered the whole Parellels thing, but found it much easier to buy a cheap PC laptop. Now I can bring it anywhere I want and never have to deal with the conversion stuff.
  • HELP!! Did my first ride (ever) with power today and while the watts on the screen were apparently low (and frustrating) what is killing me is trying to get thePowerAgentSoftware to run on Parallel Desktop (can NOT get JAVA installed for "who knows what" reason, thus PowerAgent does not run, thus can not upload my ("frustrating") data to WKO!!! Anybody has a "for dummies" link to tackle this issue??? Tks!!!
  • Half tech-saavy Beth here did all the WKO+/VMware Fusion and decided it was a headache and bought Raceday Apollo. There's certainly enough data there -- and Skiba has great tutorial videos.
  •  Thanks everybody for your responses.  I am still going to try to figure out why WKO doesn't want to recognize training peaks. When I try 'download from  training peaks' I get an error message that field cannot be null and ID/password are required.  I will look into the other options suggested including just getting a liitle PC as well.  

  • @Betsy, silly question...did you put your login and password in the correct field in WKO?

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