In Loving Memory of Sylvia Miller...
As some of you know, long-time member Rich Miller's wife recently passed after battling cancer. We asked how we could support him, and Rich suggested making a donation to the American Cancer Society. We have created a page to do just that, so you can click here to give.
Here is some more information from Rich, as I think there's some things we could use a reminder about:
"If the Team would like to make a donation, I think the American Cancer Society would be most appropriate. Although Sylvia left this world free of pain, it has definitely left a hole in me. It will take time to heal. I can only suggest that everyone hug their wife and kids every day. Make sure they know you love them. The last time Sylvia was aware of anything was when I brought my son into the room, told her that Justin was here and asked her if she loved him. She shook her head yes and smiled. We went into the next room and my 6' 3" giant son melted in total sobs into my arms knowing the end was near. Hug your wife and kids, Patrick and hug them tightly!"
Thanks Team,
Continuing to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. May you find peace in the days ahead.
With deepest sympathy,