Help with diagnosing soreness..
Hi Gang,
I have been experiencing a little soreness on the back side of my right leg, and I can't tell if it is associated with the hamstring or not. It feels like a band of tightness/soreness running from just under my butt to the back side of my knee. It gets worse with running speed intervals, and will recede enough between runs that I forget about it. Ideas? Treatment? Thanks for any advice!
Did you just start NOS? Increases in intensity can sure cause my hammies to ache. Is it ham or possibly adductors? Back of leg can mean different things. ART, massage or even just foam roller may help if it is an acute issue d/t starting up OS. If chronic, get it checked out!
I have a similar issue with my right hamstring due to a leg length discrepancy. If the pain persists, that might be something worth checking out. Mine was found during a bike fit, and like Paul, I have an orthotic for one bike shoe. I wasn't able to find something that worked well for my running shoe, so I just live with it but at least I'm not aggravating it with cycling too.
Good luck!
Hi team, thanks for all the help. I have an update but this may run a little long, so bear with me!
I'm getting ready to start week 6 of the October OS. I first started noticing the hamstring pain about 3 weeks ago when running my intevals, but, since it went away quickly after running, I forgot about it in between runs. Then, last weekend, I really tweaked it when running some hard intervals last Friday night, and then proceeded to run in a metric marathon race (26.2 K) last Sunday. When that race was over I knew I was in trouble. I had a lot of soreness in the right hamstring, as well as in the right hip flexors. I didn't run all week, and just did my bike workouts, but I didn't do the smart thing and get out the ol' foam roller. Flash forward to today - the plan called for 2x1 mile intervals and 2x1/2 mile. I warmed up for 2 miles, just jogging along, and even did a few drills to loosen up, but I felt the pain again within 1/4 mile of the first interval. I ended up canning the speedwork, but continued to run for about 6 miles. By the end of it I had hip flexor pain, again, and pain at the top of the hamstring, just under the glutes, and kind of lateral. When I slowed to a walk there is pain/pulling all along the length of the right hamstring.
Soooo, I did the right thing, and got out the foam roller and TP massage ball this afternoon, and used them. I am concentrating more on stretching. I'm assuming speedwork is out for a week or two. I have a chiropracter I like and trust, and may get him involved.
Any other ideas for me? Any specific core work I should be doing?
Thanks so much!
It sounds like you are starting to create compensatory issues with muscles that maybe were not the original problem by not fixing the original Biomechanical or muscular/tissue injury. Order of operations in my practice is to correct the tissue/biomechanics before commencing exercise (no speed work in your case). It's all about load and capacity. The dysfunctional tissue needs to be corrected as it is limiting your capacity to train. Adding too much load is creating hip flexor and likely rectus fem issues will follow, which will mess with your bike leg.
Foam roll, ART provider and limit speed work until you get the dysfunctional tissue corrected.