Power Inside on Trainer vs. Outside, % Difference?
I'm new to power (~ 1 month using it). I did my first FTP test outside. Training indoors holding that FTP seemed a lot harder. So I searched the forum and realized that it wasn't all in my head: it is harder! If I had realized that I would have done the test indoors. I'm still able to hold 95-100% on all my intervals, but I know that my FTP will likely go down on the next test, which will be indoors. (I don't see getting that FTP including the 2 minute rest interval.)
So I'm curious in general what the power difference is from outside vs. indoors. 10%? 15%? What's yours? I figure if I can hold my next 42 minute FTP test within 90-95% of the first test I've probably improved? Or it doesn't matter because it's comparing apples and oranges? I hate feeling like I'm going "backwards". lol
I'm in week 6 of the advanced OS. I use the cycleops fluid trainer.
Whenever you test you want the test to reflect the venue you'll be using for interval training. So if that training will be indoors, you need to test indoors...but we want you to ride outside with power as long/frequently as you can because the numbers are always higher outside vs inside.
April is about the opposite, as everyone who has been indoors with power starts to come outside and are, generally, confused by the numbers: friction from wrapping their head around outdoor vs inside numbers.
It is kind of a trial and error thing if you and I, where we live, are going to be bouncing between indoor and outdoor. Come late Dec-Feb, staying on the trainer won't be as much of a problem since it will be cold enough to encourage that behavior.
I see about a 6-7% difference when going outside.....................
Daniela, read this link and think about inertia..............
Now most people seem to have indoor and outdoor FTPs, but NOT everyone. So I would not assume that you have a lower indoor FTP just yet. Also, you say you are able to complete the intervals in the 95-100% range. And please remember that you are in the 6th week of the Advanced OS. You have probably done a lot more work than you are used. (I'm making a generalization here, that may not be true.) So I would assume you have some good fatigue in the legs.
So what I'm trying to say is that you just don't know yet. Keep crushing it and see what happens come week 8.