Miami Man Final Race of the Season
Race Summary (AKA the Numbers):
? 44:02 swim 374/683
? 3:32 T1 388/683
? 3:04:44 bike 433/683 (NP 170, AP 164,. IF 1.03, TSS 1763.6, and IF 0.756)
? 2:12 T2 198/683
? 03:02:29 run 574/683 (sTSS 195.6, IF 0.750)
? 06:57:01 Total
? 3/7 Master Clydesdale; 373/464 male finishers; 530/683 finishers
Executive Report: Good end to season on a flat course. Very windy day. Overall a little disappointed with time but as usual learned a lot about racing long distances and about myself.
Pre-race: Sat lunch was whole wheat pasta with dinner of sushi. Went to bed at 2200. Did not get up at 0200 for feeding but got up at 0300 to get ready to leave. Took Naked Juice Protein smoothie and left at 0400. Ate Hammer bar and drank coffee/ on way to race. Set-up transition, sipped Heed then switch to water. Got on wert-suit using plastic bags for first time, which worked great. Had gel 20 min before start.
Swim: First every 2 lap swim. First lap arms felt stiff, heavy and I had a lot of trouble getting in a rhythm. Tired to focus and stay in my box. Began counting stokes and focused on sighting. Swim was in a clear lake. So lots of interesting stuff to look but I did not see any alligators. There was a lot of contact to the first buoy then things settled down and I was in clean water for the most part. Tried to draft a little but am not able to stay behind the person I keep getting into their feet, Got off course a little after the second turn buoy but seemed to find my rhythm after that and arms loosened up. Stating passing folks in both waves that headed out before me so felt good. Second lap seemed very quick and no trouble with balance exiting water. Overall best swim of season.
T1: Long run from swim to bike. Forgot to start Garmin program but had little trouble starting it while running to mounting line. Put on cycling shoes as mount line was a long run from transition over rocks. They were covered with carpet but I was worried about bruising feet. I also have found that if I leave cycling shoes a little loose can run almost as fast.
Bike: First race totally with power. FTP 225 Target was 78% with the following gears (167, 176, 184, and 193). Looking at the course and weather report I knew that the wind would be 10-15 MPH sustained with gust approaching 20-25 MPH out of the East. Course was 13 miles mostly west then two 15 mile loops essentially in a big rectangle, followed by 13 miles back east into the wind. Set Garmin to Lap every 20 min.
Again felt a little off at start of bike, legs heavy but warmed into bike and felt really good by 30-40 min. Plan was to be conservative initially and be ready to work back into the wind. Course was through farm land, very rural with rough roads. Wind was minimal at start but really picked up in middle of ride and then seemed to intensify. I tried my hand at legal drafting but found it hard to rely on someone else to set the pace. Made 2 bathroom stops (153 AP). The cross winds moved me around often and several times also pushed me toward another cyclist. Saw several folks on side of road with flats and 3 crashes with EMT’s on scene. Last 13 miles mostly into the wind was brutal and I defiantly saw power spike. Seemed to take forever to get back Really had to focus on staying close to targets.
Nutrition seemed okay with ~ 700 cal (~210/hr) as Heed, Perpetuen mix and Salt stick every 20 min, Took in ~ 135 oz fluids (~ 110 oz water). But I did feel very hungry at the start of the second lap that lasted for 15-20 min.
Lap |
Time |
NP |
AP |
Target |
VI |
IF |
1 |
0:20:00 |
162 |
161 |
167 |
1.01 |
16.9 |
0.721 |
2 |
0:40:00 |
167 |
163 |
176 |
1.02 |
18.3 |
0.740 |
3 |
1:00:00 |
169 |
167 |
176 |
1.01 |
18.7 |
0.749 |
4 |
1:20:00 |
169 |
167 |
176 |
1.02 |
18.9 |
0.753 |
5 |
1:40:00 |
169 |
153 |
176 |
1.11 |
18.8 |
0.751 |
6 |
2:00:00 |
170 |
166 |
176 |
1.02 |
18.9 |
0.754 |
7 |
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