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How to NOT Screw Up First FTP Bike Test?

Hello fellow EN'rs!  I am ready to do my first FTP test with my new PT hub and Joule (plus aerobars which is a first for me!) and want to make sure I don't screw it up.  I watched the videos on Cycleops.com so I think I'm OK with operating Joule but looking for some input on the EN style test.  Do I just ride 20 mins, rest 2, ride 20 and not do anything with the Joule for the full 42 mins?  And once I get the ride donwloaded, EN guide says to select a 42 min range in WKO+, but I'll be using PowerAgent so not sure how to do that....  Thanks!


  • Hey Kim.  First off, don't worry about screwing up the 1st test.  Everyone finds that it takes a while to nail it.  Here's a protocol from Coach P in a post I found.  Hope this helps and welcome to the Power Hurt Locker. 

    Process Data, Pace Athletes:

    Proper Pacing Description for Power Testing

    Realize it will take 2-3 tests before you nail down the pacing, largely because you don't have a good number to sit on. IOW, your first test you might have an idea of what you'll do for the 42' but you don't really know. On the second test you can use the first test + lessons learned as a benchmark to guide you. You'll likely put it all together on the third test.

    That said:

    • Go out "relatively" easy. IOW, if your goal/you think you can do 230w for the test, going out at 230w will feel pretty comfortable. Don't worry, that will change soon enough . I'd say you should feel that change at about 8' into the first interval. If you're beginning to hurt at 4-5', you already went out too hard.

    • You should start to find yourself looking at the watch at about 12'. At 16' it might take a couple ticks backwards...at 18', that last 2' creeps.

    • Spin easy for 2' then repeat, using your watts from the first interval to provide you with a goal for the second.

    • Might be a good idea to go a little under target for the first interval so you can back it up on the second.

    • Again, if you're in a nightmare at 6-8' in the first interval, pull the plug and regroup. Either rest and start over or test another day.


    Proper Pacing Description for 5k TT

    Just like the bike test, you will get better at 5k testing.


  • Kim,

    The only things I can add from Coach P's advice is the following:

    1) don't hammer the last 2' of the first 20' interval even if you think you have gone out to easy.  I really hammered on one test and really paid for it on the 2nd 20'.

    2) I used my HR as a guide as well on my very first test.  I know my max HR around 187-189  and if I am hitting mid 170's 5-10 minutes in on the 1st interval I know that I will be in trouble.  I had not been using EN heart rate trainingbefore I startedwith power but you will also have a HR from you 40' TT from last year as a guide. 

    Good luck


  • Indoors on trainer or outdoors Kim? Would have different adds depending. If inside, all the above, plus have a HUGE fan blowing on you! If outdoors, I'm not sure its a good idea to mix a first FTP test and a first aerobars ride. Would not test in the aerobars if thats the case. If outside, be very careful. if you execute this test correctly, your head will be concerned with dealing with the pain and not watching for road hazards. Test where you will be able to back up the same environment in 8,14,20 weeks. You will have different inside FTP test numbers than outside, so do it in the same environment every time to measure progress.
  • Kim, with respect to the last part of your question (how to correctly measure it using Power Agent): After you've downloaded the ride to PA, look at the graphic that displays all of your ride variables. Then, put your pointer on the left edge of the interval (where it starts) and then click the mouse. While holding the mouse button down, place your pointer on the right edge of the interval (the end of the second FTP interval) and release the mouse button.  Once you release, a new graphic will display only the 42 minute test. While this is displayed in the graphic, hit the power tab. Your score for normalize power for this segment (your calculated FTP based on this test) will be displayed here.

    Good luck!

  • Thanks all! Test went well.... from a techincal standpoint. Whopping FTP of 137... BOOOOOOO! I guess that's what happens when you only ride a handful of times in 2 months! I start OS in Jan. but will do some pre-work on the bike to bring that number up prior to OS.
  • Kim,

    You'll be amazed how much improvement you can achieve with consistent, focussed training.
  • Kim,

      Good job on the test.  Here's the link to Pre-OS workouts if you haven't looked at it yet. I'm doing Jan OS also and I started them this week after doing bike focus for a couple months.



  • Good job getting that first one out of the way. Improvements coming your way!

  • hey all.   i'm a totally unlettered rider; my cycling technique is what i learned when i was 5.   plus i'm new to power and to the OS and will be doing my first test in two weeks.   can one of you more experienced power uses put some meat on these bones? 

    • Go out "relatively" easy. IOW, if your goal/you think you can do 230w for the test, going out at 230w will feel pretty comfortable. Don't worry, that will change soon enough . I'd say you should feel that change at about 8' into the first interval. If you're beginning to hurt at 4-5', you already went out too hard.  

    does that mean start with a easier gearing and cadence and then increase one or both as i settle into the 10' mark?   

    • You should start to find yourself looking at the watch at about 12'. At 16' it might take a couple ticks backwards...at 18', that last 2' creeps.   

      if the power is fluctuating at this point because of the effort, is that good / bad?   i assume it will swing pretty wildly by the end.   is there a level of fluctuation that reduces the quality of the test?    at anypoint am i to go "flat-out" since the end or the two minute rest is coming? 

    • Spin easy for 2' then repeat, using your watts from the first interval to provide you with a goal for the second. 

      should i get up out of the aerobars for this two minutes?  is drinking water ok?    

    • Might be a good idea to go a little under target for the first interval so you can back it up on the second.  

      at the very end, is it biggest-gear-as-hard-as-i-can-push

  • Posted By john david smallwood on 18 Nov 2011 08:33 AM

    hey all.   i'm a totally unlettered rider; my cycling technique is what i learned when i was 5.   plus i'm new to power and to the OS and will be doing my first test in two weeks.   can one of you more experienced power uses put some meat on these bones? 

    • Go out "relatively" easy. IOW, if your goal/you think you can do 230w for the test, going out at 230w will feel pretty comfortable. Don't worry, that will change soon enough . I'd say you should feel that change at about 8' into the first interval. If you're beginning to hurt at 4-5', you already went out too hard.  

    does that mean start with a easier gearing and cadence and then increase one or both as i settle into the 10' mark?   

    Since you haven't been training with power, I'd have HR and power displayed on your device.  Go out at a pace you think you can hold for an hour--it doesn't mean start of spinning, but at something that requires effort, but not too much. 

    • You should start to find yourself looking at the watch at about 12'. At 16' it might take a couple ticks backwards...at 18', that last 2' creeps.   

      if the power is fluctuating at this point because of the effort, is that good / bad?   i assume it will swing pretty wildly by the end.   is there a level of fluctuation that reduces the quality of the test?    at anypoint am i to go "flat-out" since the end or the two minute rest is coming? 

      Your power shouldn't swing wildly and should stay within a good 5-10 watt range unless you find that you've underestimated and try to really kick it up the last 5' of the 2nd interval.  The power fluctuation occurs because it's hard and painful, which doesn't mean you can't keep it steady, but that you need to spend more conscious mental energy to endure the suffering and not let your numbers drop or be outside of that 5-10 watt range.  When you analyze the ride, each intervals VI should be 1.0  and the total VI for the 42 minutes 1.01-1.02.

    • Spin easy for 2' then repeat, using your watts from the first interval to provide you with a goal for the second. 

      should i get up out of the aerobars for this two minutes?  is drinking water ok?   yes and yes 

    • Might be a good idea to go a little under target for the first interval so you can back it up on the second.  

      at the very end, is it biggest-gear-as-hard-as-i-can-push?  no and yes.  at the end you should just be hanging on trying not to drop your watts.  you may be able to push harder the last 5' of the 2nd interval, but that is information that you saved a little too much for the end.  it's not your highest gear, but the gear you can stay in to maintain/slightly increase your power while maintaining a good cadence.

    Replied under each in italics.  Good luck

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