Bike Rack Recommendations?
Hey Y'all,
My bike rack was crushed on the way back from IMFL (thank goodness the bikes weren't damaged!!!) and I am in the market for a new one. I had a Saris Thelma that I liked but I didn't like the fact that I couldn't have my race wheels on the bike with that rack. Any recommendations for a new one? I've heard great things about this one but it is pricey!
You could try the Cycleon Pro as well - Saris brand. I have a Saris Thelma and when I bought my Trek Speed Concept (size small), had to cut off the upper lip (about 3-4 inches) so it wouldn't rub on the frame ... so attractive (all wrapped up in paper towels and duct tape)! So, the Cycleops Pro would have been better...
This is what I have. I like it. Very quick on/off. Some are concerned about the stablizing arm touching the frame, but I have not had any problems. Best with one bike. Two can be tricky. (Payback for your discount posts DH.
Thanks Brian! I love a bargain and never buy anything without finding a good "deal." Of course I am also the same guy that has crap he has bought and never used... My wife loves that about me.... :-)