Foot and ankle pain
My right foot has recently started rolling to the outside, all the time. Not just when running but I have to watch to make sure I'm not allowing it to pronate out. I have always been one that has issues with suprapronations (that's to the outside, right??). Anyway, I am thinking that it has a lot to do with excessive weight. What are thoughts on replacing the run with the stair machine until the weight goes down and I see if that helps. I went to an orthopaedic clinic and had it looked at. No real issues noted. Anyway, for a period of time, what are thoughts on stair machine versus running? Stair machine doesn't seem to aggravate this symptoms.
I would suggest doing the eliptical and pool running if you can, in my opinon it mimics the running motion more than the stairmaster. Also you might want to get checked out as if you have been running before and it just started happening then maybe something else is wrong.
Good Luck
I believe with something like that rest is the order of the day.