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FTP Question?

So I started the OS this AM after doing almost nothing since IMFL three weeks ago.  My last FTP test was 325 watts back in September and I trained to those zones getting ready for IMFL.  Today's test was brutally hard and I don't know if I am still dealing with lingering fatigue or really lost some fitness since then.  (Today I came in with an FTP of 281)

Here's my question.  Should I use the new FTP for my OS workouts and see how I retest next timie or should I split the difference between today's test and my last test?  

I don't want to train at a level that is too low, especially in the OS and miss fitness building time.  Thanks in advance!




  • @ Dusty -- your fitness is what it is. Was you pre-IMFL FTP test outside? Could impact it 5-7% depending.

    I had something similar happen to mine in starting Nov OS and having had 30 days of only running. My Bike FTP took a hit from 284 to 264, and I decided to bump it up slightly (6 watts) to start the OS at 270. The WKOs for the first couple of weeks seemed easy so I then had an IF of 1.03-1.04 during the work sets. I believe I will see mine jujmp above my old one in the next test as everyone told me it would bounce back fast. {For me that has always been true with biking but not with running.}

    I decided to wait for the next test and work my run harder early right now. If you think you have a higher FTP either take it for a spin for a week and see if it impacts your running or later rides; or re-test. I believe the saying is, "if you think your FTP is higher, prove it in a test or a race."

  • Dusty,

    The OS is a long time the risk of going in to with too high of a FTP I think is worse that what you might leave on the table by training at a lower FTP.   How was your pacing on the test first 20 vs second 20?  If you were 291 and 275 then your pacing was off and you probably left a few watts on the table.  Then again if you did a 286, 284 with the brutally hard description then I'd say it was not pacing.

    If you have lingering fatigue then splitting the difference is a bad idea.  I might even suggest a couple weeks of pre-OS training to get back in to it if you really think that is the case.  

    One other thought with the caveat that I'm no physiological expert but I know when I have done almost nothing and then come back my body can be flat, especailly for an all out effort like a race or FTP test..  This could have been the case with your test as well.

    Also as Paul mentioned, indoor vs outdoor effect.

    In any event I personally would not split the different as that ~7%. Given some more feed back on pacing and being flat vs fatigue.  I might consider a bump to 285 max 290. 

    Finally as you move in to the next bike ride at the 281-285 and work from there but remember it's much easier to over achieve on the shorter bike intervals 6-8' up to 10 or 12'.   You may also need to consider a test earlier than week 8 as the bike fitness will come back fairly fast.


  • I'm not sure how I'd perform after peaking for a big race, then chillin' for 3-4 weeks, then going out and testing. I tried this last year when I just joined EN and it didn't work out too good. I like to go solid for a few weeks, get back into the groove, almost prepping for a test. At least that's how I'm handling it this year.

    Finished 2011 in mid October, 2 weeks of very little, then November of riding and hammering just for fun and mixing it up, paying less attention to computer. Now, Dec is here and I'm going pre-OS protocol to get back into the mindset of FTP 'intervals', even if my FTP guesstimate is a little off because I haven't tested. 5' intervals RPE vs 12' intervals RPE, truth will be told. By the time I test at the beginning of Jan OS, I think I'll have a good idea as far as pacing.

    BTW, December OS scares the hell out of me, personally. I'm fairly certain that it would be too stressful for me to get anything out of it. Maybe spend December just getting back into it and then join us in Jan OS for more structure. I'm sure RnP have set you up, tho. Just a thought.

    One way or another, you gotz big watts! They'll come right back, just keep showing up, ya know!
  • My suggestion is a compromise:

    Go with the lower test for now. Within a week or two, you'll have a good feel for whether it is "right" or too low anyway. If it's obviously too low, you can tweak it up a bit. I would plan on doing another 42 minute test either in week 3 or week 4 on the Tuesday session (day of rest before, and run only on Sunday) and see how it goes by then. Yes, that workout is harder than what would be planned for that day, but you can tone down Wednesday's run as need be.

    Good luck.

  • I retested at week 4 instead of waiting until week 8 myself. You might want to retest sooner than week 8 but be careful of overdoing it so early in OS!

  • Dusty,
    We test to tell us where we are. So right now your FTP is 281. That is not to say you will not see quick gains. And don't fall into the trap of wanting to do too much too soon as Jeff says. The first few weeks of intervals are easy to fake. They should feel kind of sorta easy. But you won't be able to fake 12-15' intervals.
    Train with your current FTP now. As William suggested, if you feel that it has been too easy, just go for the test. Also, I also use the 80-85% sets as a good barometer of my fitness. If they are way too easy, then yeah, your FTP probably needs to be raised.
  • +1 on William and Tucker's advice.  Just go with your current fitness.  That is what the outseason is for and you will bounce back in a hurry.  I tested over 30w lower after not being on the bike for 3 months after IM Canada.  I have no worries because you can't help but get better with the outseason workouts.  In the past I have adjusted my FTP without an actual test just by how I perform in the longer interval sets, probably at least the 2x12's as I agree with Gordon that it is easy to overperform in the shorter intervals.  Long story short, don't lose any sleep over it!!!

  • Standard gain for an OS starting like yours after a break is 10-15% improvement. 325/281 = 1.15; you'll make it if you take it steady and =don't try to get it all back at once. As Wm, Tucker, and others have said, you should know within 4 weeks if you are finding to workouts too easy @ 100% of 281; if so, bump it up a bit, no need to re-test until week 8, I think.  But remember, give it 3-4 weks to see what your fatigue level is, it's easy to hit 100+ % for a week or two at the start, but you want to stay the course for a full OS to get the benefot on race day.

  • Thanks all for the advice! I'm sticking to today's test results and if too easy will retest in 4 weeks. (I definitely think my pacing was off as I was out the gate at 325-330 but couldn't hold that pace and ended up at 298 for the first interval)

  • I have a similar question.  Did my 42 minute test on CT but in 3d multi loop course and got NP 220W no pacing issues.  I had been at 250W in Sept. but tested in manual ERG mode where I could preset the load.  I haven't done much riding since a HIM 10/08/11.  The test was hard but not overwhelming.  I not sure what FTP to use now.  At minimum I will retest in 4 weeks not 8.  Should I go back to manual ERG or try to get better at the 3d course?


  • @Robert... wish I could help. I just hook up the bike to a trainer and turn on some junk TV. :-)
  • @ Robert - I test on my CT using a completely flat 40 km TT course. And do the intervals in ERG mode by pre-programing them.

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