Which Garmin watch for my Marine brother?
So my little brother's wife pm'ed me on FB to ask which GPS HR watch to get my brother for Christmas. He's a major in the Marine Corps and getting ready to deploy right after Christmas, so need to get some help quick. He apparently bought a tri bike and didn't tell me. She wants to get him something that's not goofy looking, has HR, and isn't too complicated. Anyone have a suggestion?
If you want the newest, latest, greatest and most expensive one that will do everything for swim, bike, run then go with the Garmin 910XT (~$400).
I personally love my Garmin 310XT for running (and can be used for the bike) but is a bit "goofy looking" as you say (~$300).
If it's just for running, I have a few "fashionista" friends that are very happy with the Garmin 210 (~$200) and is much less goofy looking than the others.
DCRainmaker has done throrough reviews on most of the watches out there if you want to read in very specific detail: http://www.dcrainmaker.com/2010/12/...eview.html There's links to all of the other ones in there as well...
FWIW, I used to have a Garmin 405 and HATED it because of the bezel. The 305 is older generation and kindof wonky looking. I also have a few friends that have the Timex Global Trainer and were unhappy with the satellite reception and that thing is absolutely massive.
I've found good prices on eBay and Amazon, but have actually bought many things from a website for really good pricing and will usually do free overnight shipping:
Since he's a Marine, tell him to run in boots and utes with a handful of pebbles in his left pocket. He should know his pace count for 100m. Every 100m he moves a pebble from his left to his right pocket = the distance he's run.
. Or you could spring from some "ranger beads" for him, same concept but two sets of plastic beads on some paracord that you attach to your duece gear...not that you know what that is either 
Guy's a major. Couldn't he just get some jarhead private to do that for him while he runs? That's how it works in the corporate world!