Tomorrow is the first of my 10' "On" workouts. I've seen some mention of 30/30s and looking back on the 2010 OS plan (before I was a member) the first week called for 2.5' on followed by 2.5' off.
Do most people do 30/30 or are people doing longer intervals?
Some are starting with 1' intervals. I'm hoping to do 2:30's as I was fine with them last year. Coach P recorded his weekly chat a few weeks ago and it included v02 info..
is it just me or does the VO2 session seem easier to do on tired legs than the FTP stuff??? I can suffer mightily for 1-2 minutes when tired but 2 x 20' @ ;FTP...not so much! ANybody feel differently?
120% "or" until you taste bile!
Same difference...
Thanks. Sorry I asked.
Do most people do 30/30 or are people doing longer intervals?
Good luck, and have fun!
I'm starting w/ 1' on/off and progessing to 3' on/off over the 6 weeks.
I did 1min off / 1 min 'on' today. Great fun
is it just me or does the VO2 session seem easier to do on tired legs than the FTP stuff??? I can suffer mightily for 1-2 minutes when tired but 2 x 20' @ ;FTP...not so much! ANybody feel differently?