Oct OS - Week of 5 Dec Run

Well Hello VOMAX! This might be the hardest wko for me in quite a while! It begins with 4 X 200, 4 X 400, and the 4 X 200 all at Z5. image

The real challenge is to get off the roads by the time the kids gather with their parents at the bus stops. I look like heck at the end and really, really, don't need an audience! image

Hope everyone is healthy and knockin this stuff out also!


  • Got'er done this morning! Out the door by 5:15 and it was 24 degrees with the windchill! I'm sure others have it worse, but here in Texas, that is pretty cold!

    HR never really came up and my times were about 4" slower on the 200s and 8" on the 400s. But, just being out there was a victory and the perceived effort was certainly there.

    So - how is everyone else handling this VOMax work?
  • Cheers from beautiful Jamaica!! I am doing a high intense run week. Goal is 70 miles in 7 days. We flew in Friday with our race on Saturday. I pulled the plug after 15 miles. Just didn't feel it and didn't want to be miserable all week.

    Sat-15 miles

    Sun- 5 miles

    Mon- 7.4 miles

    Tues- 7.4 miles

    Wednesday 8.25 miles

    Thursday 10 miles

    Friday 10 miles

    Saturday 7.12 miles

    **** Update.....today is Friday and I was able to log 10 more miles and it felt great.  Wanted to keep going but cut it there.  Now only 7 more miles and I am at the 70 mile mark for 7 days. **** 

    Also have been swimming ~ 1500 yards in the Carribean Sea. Love it cause it feels like I am just floating along. Rough sea's a couple days but made the swim that much better. A lady we've been swimming with got stung by a jelli. Bad sting she ended up getting a steroid injection and put on antibiotics.

    Well two more days left and back to experience some freezing cold((())) brrrr.

    Later Mon

    Well hit my goal!!!!  7 miles this morning for a seven day total of 70.4 miles.  BOOM!!!!!!!

  • @ Carl - welcome back! Jamacia was just a dream now that you are probably looking at snow. Swimming in the Carribean - nah, couldn't be...

    @ Lynne - count that as a success! MS is what counts - good job!
  • Got in today's 800m @ Z4, 1mi @Z1, 1 mi @Z4, 1mi @Z1, then 1.6 mi (my loop)@ Z4 and beat all targets with 3:27, 7:08, and 11:58 for the Z4s. Total was 9.1 with warm-up and cool down.

    Most surprising part of the wko was that yesterday's wko didn't seem to affect today at all. Times are getting easier in my new zones, which is good since we are just over "hump week"!

    @Lynne - like your December Goal!
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