What it takes. . . Dec 2011
Gees - December 6 and I get to start the thread. Where is everyone?
I have continued to lurk. Things are busy with work and life. Started training for the Goofy Challenge again. I did something really stoopid for the NY marathon and ran in shoes that were not broken in. I ended up with a huge welt on my right foot on the bone/tendon for the big toe and pain wearing any shoe that covered the area. That went on for a couple of weeks then I finally went to a doc. He gave me NSAIDs, pain patches, and PT. It is so funny since I work with the PTs. I make my appointments, go downstairs, and have them work on my toe. I feel like such a loser. "Hi, I'm getting PT on my toe. You? ACL repair. Wow!" It is so much better. Ran about 11 last Sunday and 3 this morning. I'm struggling with what to do post-Goofy. I had thought I'd jump into training for my first HIM and do Gulf Coast in May, but I'm feeling burned out. I know the spring is going to be crazy at work, too. I just don't know. . . .
Hope you all are doing great! Check in when you can!
@Penny, that's great - PT for the toe.
That sounds painful. But hey, a toe is nothing to sneeze at, especially when it comes to running! I had my big toe dislocated in the swim (!) of IMFL and I couldn't run for 6 weeks afterward. And I've broken my pinky toe before and ended up on crutches. Turns out those little digits are important. Hope you heal fast!
As far as burn out goes, sometimes it's good to just kick back for awhile and enjoy what comes. I try to remember that I race for *fun*, so if it becomes not fun, then it's time to do something different until that overwhelming urge to race comes back.
For me, life is now getting back to normal after the Nutcracker weekend (my daughter dancing) and the houseguests are gone. Of course now we're launching into the holidays, and my son's girlfriend and their family are staying with us for a week (they recently moved 400 miles away, so sad for him). Then robotics season (I coach my son's team) is Jan/Feb for competitions, and then blam we're into spring! I confirm for my karate black belt in March, and then my spring should be pretty mellow with just a couple of local shorter races until IMCDA. Ha ha, who am I kidding, it's never mellow around here!
Still, I am loving the OS training. I am starting to feel strong again and barring any injuries am really looking forward to a good season.
How are the rest of you faring as we move toward the darkest day of the year?
All is good here for the most part. We're having beautiful fall weather and my only complaint is that I have to work during the sunlight hours. Otherwise I'd be outside every day! I did a cyclocross race this past weekend in VA Beach. It was in a park called "Mt Trashmore" because yes, it's built on an old landfill! Big huge hills to climb over and over again. I was toast when it was over- but man was it ever fun!
Good luck with PT, Penny... a friend here broke a toe or something and it's caused all sorts of probs for her running and all that. So, PT is no joke and very much needed!
Turkey day was good - I drove to OH and we had an immediate family family reunion (hard to do with 2 brothers out west, and a 3rd brother who still believes he's an only child)... I did as best I could eating clean (brought lots of snacks and cooked some of my own food but I drank a lot... and that has continued since I've been back... doing as best I could but drinking and making merry when things come up. And I'm feeling pretty lousy and bloated. So, I'm getting back on track with paleo for the most part, will do the 30 day challenge again in Jan then once a quarter (I really felt better, much better than the cleanse)... with any luck by next year I'll be mostly clean by choice and by habit without any conscious effort on my part (except passing on the wine more often than I do now).
I took my trainer home for T'giving and the only one who griped was my mom... and I totally ignored her. She's obese, with diabetes, heart disease, and 2 bum knees. She's always in pain, always depressed... and my thought, which unbelievably I kept to myself, was hell yeah, I'm gonna get my workouts in over a long weekend - I don't want to look or feel like you do. Since running is still off limits, all I could do is ride... and since I drove, bringing my trainer was easy. I managed to get it done in the mornings before anyone got to the house... and if the folks in the house were up (i.e., my dad or sil and nephew), they went about their business... actually robin would chat with me while I road and Vinko (my nephew) was transfixed by the wheel spinning in the back and he loved when I shoot my wet hair/head and blew a raspberry... that made his day.
Umm... that's about it from me. I can't believe Christmas is just around the corner. I'm feeling pretty good about things --I think the new job and the new diet have definitely helped. I've kept up with the acupuncturist to help with my depression, and I'm reading a few self-helpy type books, too... all in all for the first time for as long as I can remember I'm feeling content. With life, with being single... just trying to get my act together because I want to... hmm.. only took me close to 40 years to figure out that it has to be for me in my own time. :-)
Definitely looking forward to NYE in Chicago! Yay!!! Fun story - at least for those of you that know Matt Ancona. I went to Madison over Memorial Day and again in July to ride the course and Matt came in from Chicago with his friend, Tony. Well, in May I was seeing Mike. In July we'd split and Tony was obviously happy to hear that, but Matt couldn't stick around for the team dinner so off they went... After IMWI Tony tracked down my email from a group note about camp and invited me to visit some time. I love chicago and know folks there so I reached out to Beth to see if she wanted company (not planning to stay with a boy I've met twice) and blammo, I'm going to Chicago for NYE. Hee hee... should be fun. Have no idea what we'll do but Beth is awesome, Chicago is awesome... and I hope to catch up with the sleeper cell while I'm there (I think we'll be seeing Jeff L and his GF Stephanie on Friday night). Yay.
On another note, good for you, Becky, for taking charge of your own happiness! No one else is going to do it. What fun New Year's plans you have!
Nemo, what fun that cyclocross must be! I'm not nearly coordinated enough to even try it.
Wow, Robin, a black belt?! That's so cool! You are truly a multisport athlete.
Penny, sorry about your toe! At least you have the PTs right there at work. Take some time to relax and get over your burnout! I'll be making an appointment with you in January or February to discuss IM nutrition.
I love the Christmas season. Tabitha and I really get into it. Problem is, there's just too much to squeeze into one month! Our tree is trimmed and gifts are slowly accumulating, but there are so many other things I want to do and not enough time. I love my work but I do wish my schedule was a little bit more flexible. Also, like many people, I have lots of holiday events to attend, and that just makes eating right so hard! Must...stay....strong!
I recently discovered that I have a significant strength imbalance between my right and left legs, so I am putting in some extra work following the Core Performance Endurance program. Has anyone else had experience with this? I want to be as "balanced" as possible for IM training!
How is everyone else doing?
I forgot to wish Sheryl well with the closing and official move... I know this is an emotional time, but how lucky you are to get to start a new life and make new friends, while keeping the ones you have... you're doubly blessed now!
@Kristen - definitely good to work on the imbalance! When I went to PAP they found lots of stuff wrong with me, which is why I'm in run jail until I can work that out... so I'm doing core stability work and hip strengthening exercises. I have a skype session tomorrow, hopefully I'll get to advance to the next level after tomorrow (and, fingers crossed, be running in a month or two).
Nemo, the cyclocross looks like so much fun! If I just didn't need another bike to do it....And here it tends to get VERY muddy/rainy so I've heard from 'crossers that you spend half a day racing and half a day cleaning your bike
Becky, good on you for sticking with your eating and workouts through the family time, which is not always easy. And for doing the work to get yourself to a place of happiness, that is awesome. I hope you get to take the next step toward running!
Kristen, I had the original Core Performance book years ago and found it helpful, I'll be interested to hear how you find the Endurance program. How did you find out about the imbalance? I'm curious. I've been training with the Power Cranks on the bike for a week now and have discovered to my great surprise that my left leg is much stronger than my right, and in fact it pretty much carries my right leg through part of the pedal stroke. I wonder if it's because I drive a stick shift car, LOL. So the Power Cranks are definitely helping correct a previously undiscovered imbalance in my cycling legs.
@Nemo: You always find the craziest, funnest things to do.
@Becky: Sometimes the right doors open at the right time. Have fun in Chicago!
@Kristen: Mentally practice before you go to your parents house about how you'll handle the food. I know it sounds corny, but it works! I'm impressed at all you have done so far. John and I haven't even talked about the tree and decorations yet. How's the Core Preformance program going? Sounds interesting. . . .
Things here are just crazy! The hospital I work for is the medical provider for the Houston Rockets - which means I get to be the Dietitian for the Rockets. It is a lot of behind-the-sceens work, but crazy because of the messed up season. They seem to have all sorts of questions and want them answered NOW! At least school is over. I need to finish grading and get that off my "to do" list. Christmas shopping is easy this year - John is getting a P3. Done! I passed off gifts for friends to him a couple of years ago. We starting giving "Tis Best" cards so that they can choose a charity to make a donation to. It works well and they seem to like it (and we do too because it is so easy).
Have a great day everyone!
@Nemo: You always find the craziest, funnest things to do.
@Becky: Sometimes the right doors open at the right time. Have fun in Chicago!
@Kristen: Mentally practice before you go to your parents house about how you'll handle the food. I know it sounds corny, but it works! I'm impressed at all you have done so far. John and I haven't even talked about the tree and decorations yet. How's the Core Preformance program going? Sounds interesting. . . .
Things here are just crazy! The hospital I work for is the medical provider for the Houston Rockets - which means I get to be the Dietitian for the Rockets. It is a lot of behind-the-sceens work, but crazy because of the messed up season. They seem to have all sorts of questions and want them answered NOW! At least school is over. I need to finish grading and get that off my "to do" list. Christmas shopping is easy this year - John is getting a P3. Done! I passed off gifts for friends to him a couple of years ago. We starting giving "Tis Best" cards so that they can choose a charity to make a donation to. It works well and they seem to like it (and we do too because it is so easy).
Have a great day everyone!
Hi ladies!
Just wanted to touch base to let you know my skype session with Doc. Strecker (at PAP) went well. I'm graduating to level 2 of the PT exercises. And, if all goes well, I might be able to start running in a month - assuming I master these exercises. I suspect I'll schedule another skype when I think I'm ready and if they greenlight me, I'll book another visit in CT (head there by train) so I can do an analysis and work on my running technique with both him and Coach Al. My big problem is that I'm between strides now after spending a year trying to midfoot strike... I'm not doing that correctly yet heel striking feels foreign to me now... we shall see...
Today is party day at the Commission. Had a morning breakfast party with my official bureau. I'm heading to lunch in an hour with my new division (on detail) off campus. Cool. The only bummer is I won't be eating all that cleanly. I did the best with the menu selections I had... but it is what it is. I will likely not go to a party tomorrow night as I'm finally rounding the bend on a head cold and don't want to chance it, not to mention there will be lots of little people there - to pick up something from me or give me something else...
Not much else to report. Looking forward to another 30 day paleo challenge in Jan to start off the new year... and hopefully running then, too...
Good luck everyone with the holiday parties- it's so hard to eat healthy and clean this time of year!
Penny, those 'Tis Best cards look like a great idea! We've done Kiva.org (microfinance, a really fun gift!) and heifer.org (my favorite charity, one that really helps self-sufficiency and does amazing stuff around the world). Luckily, we've convinced our whole family to go this route, so no worrying about picking out sweaters or other silly stuff that no one wants. Just real gifts doing real good. Interestingly, our kids have followed suit, my daughter's only Christmas wish this year was to adopt animals via World Wildlife Fund (blackfooted ferrets). My son has only asked for money to go on an exchange program to Costa Rica this summer. I'm so blessed with these amazing kids, that's my Christmas gift.
Becky, that's great news about the PT! I hope it continues to go so well for you and you are back to running before you know it.
Oh my! So much to catch up on!!! Just a short note! So impressed by all everyone is doing!!!
@Penny, sorry about the toe! Good to hear that it is improving rapidly!
@Nemo, saw your posts on FB about the cyclo!!! Sounds like so much fun! I am looking at a Felt Sport bike just to ride to and from work. Not sure how much I'll ride from the new place as it doesn't seem all that safe to me but maybe Archie can drop me at the corner and I can ride the 3 miles there.
@Kristin, Decorated??? I'm so jealous but all the decorations arrive on Monday!!! I'll have to scramble!
@Becky, as always you are so busy!!! I find that people who crab about my activities are just trying to make themselves feel better. Sorry that your mom has so many health problems. I saw that often with my dad. Not obese but not in good health and certainly not good mental health!!! I always hurt for him that he couldn't make a change.
@Robin, I was always so glad to get those programs over with early in the season!!! So much work for the mom!!!
Ok...I know I forgot things! Becky thanks for the encouragement about the house. I'm starting to feel better, even had a fit of giggles with a co-worker today so even the job is starting to feel better if not ideal. Everyone say a little prayer, send a little mojo...They are showing our apartment tomorrow and it would sure be nice to get out from under the lease soon!!! I fear we will be paying until March with the holidays but it sounds like the person looking would like to get in as soon as possible before Christmas....hoping hoping!!!!
Ok. I have to clean! Have a great weekend all! I will be playing catchup on the 50 miles in 50 days swimming challenge and then biking for the Spinervals 31 day biking challenge....plus incorporating all that into November OS. Crazy but it has really helped to move me out of the fog and feel better about things! Oh Oh Oh. went to local run store today and found out about and joined a local triathlon club. In fact one of their events is a talk by Coach Patrick!!! So excited to find a group that I can hopefully fit in with and train with sometimes!
Take care!
Doing well on my end after a crash and burn on my "diet" on Friday at the parties and post parties... I felt so horrible all day Saturday. I just don't bounce back like a 20-something (or even an early-thirty-something) anymore. :-) Then, after taking care of myself all weekend I come to work Monday and it's cupcake day...AT&T delivered zillions of cupcakes to the Commission and everywhere I turn there's a pink box. Can I resist them? Of course not... I had one and an hour later all I wanted was a nap. It was sooooo good, but wow did it shock my system! Would I do it again? Probably. LoL. But thank goodness it's not every day and there haven't been too many treats to avoid here which is suprising for this time of year.
Work is crazy busy. Which is good, but a bit scary too... I'm still pretty new and don't have the background on the item or the subject matter expertise but it's full steam ahead... learning as I go and trying to sound like I know what I'm talking about.
Sheryl, sounds like you're on the right track and everything is going well! awesome!
Nemo - the skype was actually pretty easy. I downloaded it online and it set itself up for the most part. I knew when to expect the call so was sure to be logged in. The doc called me so all I had to do was accept the call.
Becky- I'm not sure what the 50 mile challenge was- but I'm with you. I need to get back in the pool- IMCDA is starting to feel pretty close!
I gotta work on that swim so I'm in that cold water for as short a time as possible!!
Great to hear the skype thing was fairly easy. The PAP guys are now offering an online sort of service for folks that can't travel up there and I'm going to give that a shot. Hopefully I can figure out the technology!
Sheryl- how did the appt showing go? It's gotta be a little stressful to still have that lease hanging over your head. But hopefully the move will go smoothly.
Robin- wow, you really raised some amazing kids! I bought my dad a goat from Heifer Int one year. I think it was one of his favorite gifts ever.
We'll be heading to the DC area to visit family for Xmas this year. Just a quick weekend visit, but it will be nice to see Joe's family again. Hopefully the travel won't be so bad.
@ Penny Michelle was just saying to me the other day that a year ago she was ramping up big time for Goofy. She really had a great experience with the race. She also did Timberman this year, so Goofy + HIM is possible if you want to make it happen. (granted Timberman is late Aug).
@ Robin how cool that your daughter was in the Nutcracker, my grandmother used to take my sister and I every year. Really good memories of that. And I can sympathize with the house guests. So hard to stay on track.
@ Kristin it looks like a lot of ladies are getting on the PAP bandwagon for diagnosing and treating strength imbalances.
@ Becky looks like you are staying busy. I'm glad to be away from holiday temptations this year by working from home. I get that taste of sugar and then that is all I crave! I'm sure you will do well at work. Sometimes you just gotta 'fake it till you make it'.
@ Nemo Skype is really super easy. I have used it frequently to chat with my family / friends.
@ Sheryl I hope the move went well.
On that note, I am moving (yes again) for those of you who have been around a bit here, I move a LOT. Hoping this move will be the LAST (other than to a permanent 30+ year house). I realize you never know what life will throw at you but I am feeling at peace with this move. Needless to say, I had high hopes for staying on track with the OS and have done very well with consistency. I have not missed a workout yet, but the boxes are closing in and the rest of the week is in jeopardy!
I'm sure I missed some ladies, hello to any lurkers out there!
@Carly - good to hear from you and good luck with the move. Suzanne Kinsky if from there and her family lives there, so she heads that way for holidays, etc... not sure if you've ever met but she's great!!
@Nemo - I hear ya, CDA will be here before we know it... I definitely want to be in and out of that water as fast as possible. I'll do a 50 miles in 50 days challenge with ya - start when you give the green light. I suspect I'll be starting with a mile and hopefully by the end of the 50 I can take a few days off here and there as I'll be logging closer to 2 per stretch... let's do it! Coach Al gave me a video re swimming when I was at PAP. The second half (with him) is all about how to use an ergometer, which I'm not planning to buy, but the first half is a woman masters machine talking about form, etc. I've been meaning to watch it - and will definitely do that before I get back in the water to be sure, since it's OS, that I'm getting my form solid. Always been a decent swimmer but if I can be better, I want to be... especially since I'm know 2 years down on running... Glad you're looking into PAP. And skype really was surprisingly easy!
Anyway want to join me?
A few folks here and a friend of a friend who's doing CDA are game for the 50/50 challenge (some may only do 25, which is fine). We're going to start 1/3. So, if you want to join us let me know your email address so I can send you the google doc for tracking.
I'm also going to do the paleo challenge again. I've been eating mostly clean, but with the holidays my resolve has been a bit off and I've been drinking more than I should... and when I drink I definitely make bad food choices. 2012 is my come back year and I want to start it off right... eating well and swimming. Hopefully I'll be running again soon, too!
I hope everyone has a great week.
@Becky, perché stai imparando a parlare italiano? Hai intenzione di viaggiare in Italia presto?
And how do you like Rosetta stone? I keep thinking I might spring for it someday...
Testing tonight... super motivated by the Nov OS crew who are rocking it out of the park... including Robin who is no longer in the sub 200 club. SWEET! I hope to get into the upper 170s or low 180s (currently at 166 I think) based on where I ended last year (187). I know I'm not in the shape I should be, but PT is helping and clean eating is helping. If I can bump up 10 I'll be satisfied, but am really shooting for a bit more. We'll see. I'll channel Robin's monster riding skills and see what happens.
I was just asking why you were learning Italian and if you were traveling to Italy soon.
Are you planning on going? What a great place to bike!
If you want something to complement Rosetta Stone to learn the grammar, I highly recommend Michel Thomas' Language Learning CDs. We biked across Tuscany with the kids two years ago and I used his CD's to learn enough Italian to talk with folks. We were in small towns sometimes with no English speakers around, and we got lost A LOT, LOL. Italian road signs leave something to be desired, but fortunately the people make up for it. Anyways, Michel Thomas is great and explains a lot of the "why" of the language. But he doesn't have a lot of vocabulary, so I had to make up some flash cards for that. I think Rosetta Stone might be a good complement for picking up the vocab.
I was also thinking of Rosetta Stone for the kids. Mackenzie (son, 15) is potentially going on an exchange to Costa Rica this year and he's been taking Spanish for two years, but I think he could use a bump if he's going to live there for awhile. Asa (12) really REALLY wants to go to Paris sometime, and we are hoping to take another Europe trip before Mackenzie goes to college (hence the fact that I do not have a BLUE bike sitting under my Christmas tree, LOL). I am a stickler about not going to a country without knowing some language, so I told Asa she will need to learn French if we're going to go there. I bought hubby the Michel Thomas German series (he lived there before so it should come back fast). So between the four of us, we should have most of Europe covered, language-wise!
So I'll be interested to hear how your Rosetta Stone experiences go, it's a pretty hefty price tag, I've been afraid to shuck out in case it's not all that great.
Good luck on your test!! Suffer away
Debating whether to get serious about the car search or just push it off until I absolutely need to have a car. (Can borrow families probably until April). I don't really enjoy car shopping and the car I really want is more than I want to spend. Top choices so far: VW Golf, Subaru Impreza Hatchback or Ford Focus. @ Nemo I thought the testing of how the bikes would fit in the car was awesome!
I knew the move was going to be a shock to the system and it has proven to be true. Also on the shopping list is a house!
@ Robin sounds like you and your family are well-traveled. I think it's great that you want to speak the language before going to a country. That is the most intimidating aspect for me about travel. And probably why I have never traveled outside of 'tourist' areas of any country I have been where they do not speak English. I feel deflated that the 6 years of Spanish I took in HS really don't do me much good anymore.
Sending speedy vibes to all those testing this week!
Don't sweat the workouts, it's early and you'll get back on track... you have lots going on...
@Robin - yes, heading to Italy in May for a week-long bike trip. We'll be heading to Riccione on the Adriatic Coast. I'll be there at the same time the Giro is going on so hopefully we'll be able to catch a stage! I suspect it will be warm enough to swim (the folks who went last year said it was), so I'll be chalking the time off to an epic bike week pre-CDA and will be able to get some swimming in, too. Yay. I'm really glad that you want your kids to learn some of the language before traveling, I think that's great for them and a smart idea ... thanks for the referral, I'll check it out. And I'll keep you posted on my RS progress. I've been slacking this week but hope to put in an hour or two a day over the long weekend.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!