
Oct OS: Week of Dec 12 Run


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    Today was character building. Steady drizzle, wind about 10-15mph and a balmy 63 degrees. But, since I know many are in worse conditions, I went ahead and hit the roads and avoided the dreadmill!

    4X200, 2X800, 4X200, then 2X400 all at Z5. Started off slower than my targets for the fist set of 200s, but after I got into it - I hit all my goal times for the rest of the wko and got in a total of 8 miles.

    Sure many are in worse conditons! Misery loves company - who else in out there knocking this stuff out?
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    Well today's run felt smooth which means tomorrows bike will really hurt. My run was a mile wu to include 3x30 second strides. Then 4x200's and 3x1000's. All intervals run between 8.7-9.2.  Decided to play around a little today.  Incline at 0.5 entire time.  Then finished with 2.5 miles at hmp and mp.

    Total mileage today 7.68.

    Time to foam roll like a sweet hot date ;()

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    Posted By Carl Noftsger on 14 Dec 2011 11:46 AM

    Well today's run felt smooth which means tomorrows bike will really hurt. My run was a mile wu to include 3x30 second strides. Then 4x200's and 3x1000's. All intervals run between 8.7-9.2.  Decided to play around a little today. Full recoveries for the 200's but stuck with .40 recovery for the 1000's.  Just made it easier.  Incline at 0.5 entire time.  Then finished with 2.5 miles at hmp and mp.

    Total mileage today 7.68.

    Time to foam roll like a sweet hot date ;()


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    40 degrees at 0530 today.  Scraped the ice of the window and headed to the track.  I was (not surprisingly) the only one there for a while and enjoyed the solitude while listening to my heart and lungs try and climb out of my chest.

    4x 200; 2x400; 1x800; 4x200; 2x400.  I had to break up the first 800 (thus the first 2x400) as I went out waaayyyy too hard.  I took the rest periods as jog/walk and the whole workout was 55 minutes.  By the time I was done, it had warmed up somewhat and the fog settled in so you could barely see the other side of the track.  Either that or I was so exhausted that I my vision was going!

    I still hacked up a fair amount but didn't feel like my cold was much of a limiter.  Hooray!

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    I always skip the 200s and combine them into 400s...so 2x400, 2x800, 4x400 on the dreadmill at 1% at 6am. Still tired from this VO2 madness...managed to do the 400s at 9.5 and the 800s at 8.7. Felt better as I went along. 2m wu and a cool down a quick and effective 7 miles by 7am...love it!

    Keep it up eveyone! I love getting up in the morning knowing you all are hammering it out to. Except for Carl N who has been up since like 3am, so he has already worked out and been to work for a few hours by the time my sorry butt makes it out of bed! lol!! image
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    Posted By Annie Stokes on 14 Dec 2011 09:39 PM

    I always skip the 200s and combine them into 400s...so 2x400, 2x800, 4x400 on the dreadmill at 1% at 6am. Still tired from this VO2 madness...managed to do the 400s at 9.5 and the 800s at 8.7. Felt better as I went along. 2m wu and a cool down a quick and effective 7 miles by 7am...love it!

    Keep it up eveyone! I love getting up in the morning knowing you all are hammering it out to. Except for Carl N who has been up since like 3am, so he has already worked out and been to work for a few hours by the time my sorry butt makes it out of bed! lol!!


    I like the idea of skipping the 200's and turning them into 400

    S very nice!!  Just like the 1000's I'm going to go the extra 200 and make them 1200's.  

    Kepp up the hard work.  I see a vDOT jump coming for usimage

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    @Carl and Annie - a little in the head calculation has you two both going way fast on the treadmill! Awesome! What is more impressive is that you are using a treadmill!

    @Mark - using a track is also tough on the head for me. That's why I just measure out courses in my neighborhood and just head out the back door.

    Yeah - the mental toughness it takes to do this on the treadmill, track, or anywhere will pay off. "You reap what you sow" and we are certainly sowing it!

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    Joe -

    Yep my goal was 8.6 but just to easy and didn't feel as if I was getting a wko. Prior to my accident I was at a 50 vDOT so hoping its coming back quicker then expected. I've learned to really listen to my body and allow it to guide me. This mornings bike felt really great so I know I didn't over do it. I've burned myself in the past though and paid the price the entire next week. We will see how Sat wko goes.... It is 2x20 min, then 8 min ON. The run is then 60 min and all at HMP and follow that up with intervals on Sunday again.
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    @Joe...A girl has to be strong at something right? Well, for me it is running. ;-) Been a runner 30+ years...been a biker since May...yes you read that right...May 2011. Soooooooo, ok on the swim, looking for big gains on the bike, and then take um down on the run! lol!

    Thanks for the mojo everyone!! Oct OS is the best!!
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    I have to say, I was really, really sore after wednesday's workout, enough that I've rearranged the rest of the week.  Stretching has helped, but I'm stiff!

    I think part of the problem was that I went too hard.  The descriptor said "very hard" so I went all out; each one at max effort.  I had peaked at the McMillan running calculator which had been mentioned in an earlier thread, and I think I didn't scroll down far enough (which is kinda funny because I'm the guy who always reads all the directions twice before starting).  I was basing my efforts on matching my "predicted time" not my "training time".

    So I ask...

    Did I bugger this one up?  Should I adjust my pace accordingly or should I be going pell mell in these efforts?

    The bike VO2s definitely leave me tired, but not nearly as sore as the runs, anyone else? or vice-versa?

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    You should be doing your pace according to what your vDOT says and no faster.  The coaches always say to run a faster pace you must earn it meaning test at a higher vDOT.  It's easier to over do it on the bike over and over but the run will get you and set you up for an injury.

    So if you are to run your 800's at 3:30 then run them at 3:30, etc.

    Most important listen to your body and take a day or two off now to recover.  Long time before race day.  Hope that helps.

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    Hey gang and happy Sunday!!! Another week of OS in the bag!

    Today's run was a struggle for me after yesterday's FTP bump but done.

    • Wko was 45 minutes and included a easy one mile wu and in that one mile I did the famous 30 sec up hill strides to open up and stretch out.
    • Then did 2x400's and 4x1000's. With the 400's I did an equal recovery but for the 1000's I again did .6 as interval and .4 as recovery and repeated.
    • Ended up with 6.3 miles in 46 min.

    Time to hang out with family

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    Couldn't agree more !!!  

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    @Lynne - as an empty nester, I cherish the memories of having my two girls underfoot. Good decision! image

    Today I had that dreaded 2 x 2 mi @ Z4 with a Z1 recovery mile. My target time was 15:30 with a AVHR of 161-167 and I nailed the first right at 15:30 with an AVHR of 154 and pushed the second at 15:18 with an AVHR of 162. I didn't feel like I really recovered from yesterday's wko. image

    Time to bask in the glow of another week completed! image

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     Despite a very late night at the work Xmas party, I got the days run it. I was a little worried I was too "fatigued" but actually felt pretty good. Early to bed last night for sure!

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