OS Best Practices Doc - Input Needed...
Folks, I am trying to compile a doc with our OS Best Practices. Think: indoors vs outdoors, how to test indoors, should you do P90X, etc. Just a quick sheet that folks can scan to make sure they are doing (A) what works for them and (B) what's best (in that order).
I have put the document up here on google docs and anyone can edit/add to it. I only ask that you:
- Don't take anything away. If you want to get rid of something that's been written, please just use the strikethrough formatting.
- Please add your input by Wednesday 12/28.
Here is the document..have at it and THANKS!!!
I added the aero bar/ base bar one that Jim mentioned (and I agree is a good one). I also added a few others.
Dear all added 2 links into the document.
1.) the link to the wiki page how to build up run volume for half marry.
2.) Link to a new wiki page how to pace the 5k run.
Hope this helps.