What It Takes....January 2012
Happy New Year Ladies! I am back after quite a hiatus! Never thought I'd be starting this thread, but it looks as though it has been quiet through the holidays. I hope you are all doing well, and had a very nice holiday season.
I am not certain what 2012 will produce for me. Hoping to start OS here in Jan., for a couple of Half-Irons. I was diagnosed in November, with Hyperparathyroidism, that has a laundry list of symptoms. Good news is, once I have surgery to remove the non-functioning portions of my parathyroid, I am cured! I cannot wait to get it done and move on with my life. As many of you veterans know, I had a very tough year last year, and still am. However, this too shall pass! I look forward to returning to training and getting back into racing shape!
I have not read the forum here, for a couple of months. So I apologize for missing out on your good news and not so good news. I hope all are well and happy! Can't wait to start the January conversations!
Hi Barb, I'm new here so waving hi
from Oregon. I don't know if you've had neck surgery before, but I had half of my thyroid removed about 10 years ago and the most valuable lesson I learned from that surgery was to make sure they give you anti-nausea drugs as soon as possible post-surgery. If you're like me, and general anesthesia makes you quite nauseous, you don't want to be throwing up repeatedly with a large wound in your neck (possibly still connected to a wall-suction machine). It took them a looonggg time to fill the prescrip. for me once I started throwing up and I tore some of the stitches in my neck, and eventually had to have second surgery to fix the scar that developed. Could've skipped it by having the surgeon order up the meds ahead of time. Wishing you a speedy recovery and return to training!
Other than that.... Happy New Year everyone. Our Masters team did our annual big swim this morning, 112 x 50 @ :45, followed by homemade Cinnamon Rolls. Yum! My last indulgence for awhile as I am doing the Whole30 Paleo for the next month. Now I'm off to watch my hometown Ducks in the Rose Bowl.
Starting into the OS after several weeks off swimming and biking since IMAZ. I guess it is time to really get to work. NOT looking forward to jumping in the pool this week.
Barb, my mom had hyperparathyroidism several years ago, and the surgery was definitely the cure (she didn't have the complications that you did, however). So I hope you feel normal relatively quickly.
I just want to tell you all what an GREAT thing EN has been for me in the past year and how much I appreciate the friendships I have made. You all are my inspiration! Even when I have been in the background on this forum, you all help keep it in perspective. Love EN Chickas!!
Anyway, hope everyone is doing well! Good luck with your surgery Barb!
Stephanie, thanks for the info. about your Mom. Encouraging to hear stories of how the surgery is indeed, the cure!
I hear you on the evening snacking thing too! It's a tough habit to kick, but as we all know, it is doable! And EN is definately an awesome place to be. I've made some good friends on this team, and enjoyed friendship, caring, and lots of awesome advice!
Jennifer, good for you, on doing your thing and seeing how you feel. Obviously I won't be having a super structured year, except perhaps for a half iron. Enjoy yourself!
Thanks for your well wishes on my surgery. And, I love your quote at the bottom! LOL! So true! By the way, I can't for the life of me, remember how to remove my stuff at the bottom and post something else. Can you remind me? I know it is something simple..
Yep, I love Winston Churchill quotes
Hi Ladies!
Sorry I've been out of touch. I was out of town for New Years - staying with Beth Schwindt (and getting to visit Jeff Linkus and meet Jennifer Burbatt, finally!!), which was fun. I haven't had such fun since being home... heater not working on the two coldest nights in a year, then one of my cats passing away quite suddenly... the first week of 2012 did not start off particularly well.
This week I've worked late the last few nights (actually still at work now). I'm really not complaining about that, but I didn't work out either morning so I'm way off my schedule... argh. At least I can say the paleo challenge (I started 1/03, Robin) is going well - with the exception of one cheat meal - the night Max died I went out to dinner and did the best I could with the menu (but I think there was butter on the carrots and wine sauce on the lamb) except intentionally ordering a glass of one (but only one... man did I want a second). The swim challenge isn't going as well - in part bc last Th I was too depressed to swim after work. Sat's ride killed me (2x20s followed by like 10 min of FTP work - WTF)... my legs were too shot to swim. And so far this week I'm 0-2. But, on the upside I DID swim 3x last week and for all of you who know me, I NEVER did that in any week training for IMWI last year. So, I'll call it a success. If I end up with 25 miles in 50 days I'll be thrilled...
that's about it from me. nothing to report. liking the paleo "diet." trying to study italian on weekends when I can devote a few hours at a stretch, reading lots of cool books ("Power of Now" and "Animal Vegetable, Miracle" currently). I'll be helping a lot with a charitable foundation this year (www.highcloud.org) - will be the volunteer coordinator at a few races and likely helping out at other fundraising events... so I should be busy and hopefully stay out of trouble this year... hmm... although I wouldn't mind a little bit of the *good* trouble if you know what I mean...
Happy new year.
@Becky, I'm so sorry to hear about your cat, that's so sad!
I think the first week of 2012 was cursed or something. I somehow descended into this really deep funk, like almost depressed. I think it had something to do with the invasion of houseguests in our holiday break, not all of whom were very courteous, so I felt like I spent my vacation babysitting other adults. Then it's back to life as usual and wham! it took my feet out from under me.
It might, just maaaayyyyybe have had something to do with the Paleo challenge and going through chocolate withdrawals
. My daughter Asa is doing the Paleo challenge with me and let's just say I like her little teenagery self better when she eats chocolate, LOL. Chocolate - the drug of choice for women of all ages.
@Robin - super cool your daughter is doing this! not so cool that she's going through sugar withdrawal... hope she bounces back soon.
Yeah 2011 ended/2012 started roughly. But, you know, 2011 didn't start so hot for me either (my beau of 1.5 years and I split the first week of Jan last year). Maybe I'm cursed, but hey, things can only get better!
Tonight I'm leaving work early! The item (Lifeline Reform Order) was circulated last night and our supervisor scheduled an off campus happy hour at 5. I'm not drinking (whole 30 challenge) and would rather go swim... I suppose I should put in face time since it's nice of her to plan but I've spent so much time here the last few days I just want to get back on my time... I really like the group and the work (which is such a welcome change), but I want/need to go train. Hmm...
Anyway, I spent a bit of down time today looking up hotels to stay at for the NYC marathon in November since I've already registered (was guaranteed a spot after not making it in the last few years). Anyone done it and have suggestions? Or live in NYC? Or know someone who lives in NYC who wants to put up a very nice, clean, easy to get along with SWF (SWM doctors preferred).
Been lurking. The past few weeks have been crazy! First the holidays. Then, we did the Goofy last weekend. The Houston Marathon is this weekend. Working the Expo Friday and Saturday. Hopefully, I can get back on schedule and track. I started Bikram yoga a couple of weeks ago. I can't wait to get back in to it. Right after the marathon, I got a sore throat and it has just progressed. Not sure if it is allergies or a cold or what. Trying to get over it before Friday. Right now as far as workouts I've got the Marathon Nation recovery plan working (4 weeks) and hoping to get to Bikram 2 to 3 times a week.
The Goofy was so much fun. John slowed down and we ran together. We took pictures with a ton of characters (I'll post a link when I get them up). We had a lot of fun!
Becky: NY Marathon was amazing! We got a deal at the Hilton on Ave of the Americas. You are going to have a blast!
Take care everyone!
Hi Ladies:
Sorry to barge in. I have posed a question to you all here: http://tinyurl.com/7e4txom
Lemme know if there is any interest.
Thanks and Happy New Year.
Hello Chicas! Yeah, I know, I've been MIA quite a bit lately. I've enjoyed a year off from IM and doing totally unstructured type training (Jennifer- as you can see- I can totally relate to how you are feeling), but I need to get back into a solid routine since IMCDA is quickly approaching.
I'm just back from doing Florida Keys Ragnar Relay as an Ultra with Beth, her sister Jo, Michele C, Michele M, and one other non-EN friend. It was and adventure to say the least and I'm taking this whole week to recover from it. So don't expect to see any workout reports from me for a little while!
Becky- I was so sorry to hear about you cat passing. I know how hard it is to loose a loved furry family member- {{{Hugs}}}
Penny- huge congrats on the Goofy Challenge! I've never really wanted to run the Disney Marathon- but somehow the Goofy Challenge sounds like it would be "fun" (in that weird way). Hope you are giving your legs some TLC this week! Even the yoga can be a bit too much at times- so just be kind to yourself.
Welcome back Barb. Glad to hear you got a diagnosis on that thyroid issue and have a plan for getting back to the road of health. When is the surgery scheduled?
I promised myself 2 weeks of no running. It has been 10 days and I am starting to get the itch to run. We'll see how long I hold out. In the mean time I have started swimming. I enjoy the break. I also have committed myself to P90X yoga on alternate days from biking. And wow- despite trying to stretch with all that running, my muscles are really tight and the yoga stretching is helping me. Hoping I recover completely for IM training to start.
Another 10 days and we leave for the Dominican Republic for a week of whale watching snorkeling. When we get back it is GO time for IMSG training. This is my big year- IMSG, then Vineman in July and IMAZ in November. After that I go back to school for my doctorate. Lets hope life lets my crazy plan work out.
@Becky- Sorry about the kitty, that is sad. We love them so much.
@Penny- love to see the pics from Goofy Challenge. People always say it was fun. You are a veteran runner. Were you even sore?
Welcome all the new ladies.
Have been so busy trying to prepare materials and plans for my sub at school, for a month's worth of lesson plans, hold parent conferences for IEP's for Special Ed, have blood tests, EKG, Chest xray, yadayada! WHEW! Can't wait to have my surgery and REST! LOL! I'll be home for awhile so I should have time to check in more often!
Hope all of you are well!
I've been okay about this, but must admit I'm getting a bit nervous as Tuesday approaches. I've never had surgery. Luckily, my partner Jo is a surgical nurse, so she is reassuring me that everything will be fine.
Good luck tomorrow Barb, I hope it all goes well and your recovery is smooth.
Hope all are having a good day, and that your training is going great!
How is training going for all of you? What is new? It is rather quiet in the ladies' forum...
Barb, hope you don't mind, but I'm going to start a new February thread and move this post over here. February snuck up on us!!