Oct OS: Week of 1/16/12 - Run

Looks like my week adds onto last week's intervals by 1mi on Tuesday and 2X800m on Sunday. Based on the podcast - I understand about the transition and look forward to comparing my times to the first LTHR phase!

Hope everyone is hanging tough these last few weeks!


  • This morning was windy at about 13mph and wind chill at 34 degrees. Although Balmy in Minnesota - just downright cold here in South Texas!

    2 X .5mi (3') @ Z4 and then 2 X 1mi (5') @ Z4 = goal times were 3:30 and 7:00 and ended up with 3:39/3:31 and 7:12/6:58 and my AVHR only got into Z4 for the last mile repeat.

    Not really sure what to make of this wko - other than it was a test of character as my RPE was at Z4 but speed and AVHR were telling me otherwise. So, I am sure I got something out of it since Work Works!
  • Sneaking out of the OS early to transition straight into training for St. George.  16 weeks away.  I feel my fitness has followed over from last season and I am feeling light when I run and strong when I bike.  I am ready though to see the high intensity stuff leave for awhile and looking forward to going longer!!  Not so sure about the Sat 4.5 hours on a trainer then run followed by 3 hours on Sunday.  I will get it done though.  The mental game is a big part of an Ironman and it starts NOW!!!!!!!

    Im in week 17 of the OS and things are going well. Going to make next week my testing week and hoping for a jump in watts and vDOT. Training shows this is going to happen but you never know.

    Todays wko was 60 minutes on treadmill

    • 1 mile wu with 4x30" strides
    • then 5x1mile repeats with a 400 recovery followed by
    • 2x800 with a 200 recovery
    • The rest was at HMP or under
    • Ended with 8 miles in 56:33. Walked the remainder to get the heart rate down
    • #workworks
  • @Lynne - there was a "Swim Challenge Forum" that asked us, if we dared, to swim a 1000m TT and then compare it tou our PB at that distance. I did it last Friday and was 9'/100 slower. Don't feel bad - it should come back in short order. For me, I'm thinking about 8 weeks using the swim plan in wiki.

    Today's run was hard. Went to a party last night and ate way too much, stayed out way too late, and probably could've done with out the night cap.   But, I still got it done and really turned out okay.

    Target .5mi was 3:30 and mile was 7:00. So the 2 X .5 and 2 X 1mi @Z4 ended up at 3:34, 3:28, 6:59 and 6:47. Total mileage was 7 miles. Now to get in my 125/125 and other strength exercises and watch some football.

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