Fundraiser for Chris Gleason
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE visit my fundraising page for fallen friend, teammate, and comrade Chris Gleason here: I am racing my friend in Philly's Broad Street Run in May, and we are raising money for Chris' family by collecting "bets" on who you think will win. The entire backstory and donation page are available here: PLEASE share this link with every single person you know! Thank you! -Liebs
JL, totally epic. I love it...consider it promoted by me!
OK team:
Now is the time people.
Whether or not you were lucky enough to be able to register, you can still make a difference in this year's Broad Street Run. If you haven't already, PLEASE visit this link, read our story, and click to donate. It will only take you 2 minutes. Anyone who donates more than $25 gets a super-cool commemorative bottleopener/keychain mailed to them (pictures available at link).
Help the family of our fallen comrade Chris Gleason by placing your "bets" - JONATHAN or PAUL. It's put-your-money-where-your-mouth-is time. We have. Will you?
Please help us by donating AND spreading the word by forwarding this link to everyone you know who has a heart.
Thank you!
I've got you down for $50 to win. I'm not sure if you are sending out the bottle opener personally but if you are just bring mine to Placid in July and save the hassle and cost of sending it in the mail.
60 days from today I race Paul Comuso in the 2nd annual 10-mile Battle Of Broad Street. This year, we are collecting "bets" on the outcome of the race and donating it all to Chris' family. PLEASE visit our page, read our story, and donate. Every little bit helps. Those donating over $20 will receive a commemorative souvenir keychain/bottle opener designed and donated specifically for this occasion.
Donate here:
Video trailer here:
Please spread these links around as much as possible!
Thank you.
Folks if you haven't already, PLEASE go to and read the backstory as to why I am racing the 10-mile Broad Street Run in Philly this weekend and how much it means to me. There may also be a piece in the Philadelphia Inquirer later this week about it. Please donate as little or as much as you can to help the family of our fallen friend and teammate Chris Gleason. When you donate you will receive an AWESOME keychain/bottle opener, donated by Ashworth Awards (fellow teammates and maker of Ironman and marathon medals) that will last forever! Plus, why wouldn't you want a keychain permanently engraved with my name on the back?!?!?! lol Thanks for reading and for donating. Liebs.
PS for the life of me I can't upload the pics and attach to this post, I've tried everything. They upload but there's no clickable option to add it to the post. If you'd like to see pics of the keychain email me at and I'll send you pics. Maybe it's cause I'm on a mac, I dunno, maybe someone with a windows box could help. Thanks
That video ROCKS! Great article, too (even with the typos... )! I'm betting on the bald guy, too!