What data fields do you use when you ride?
I am thinking a lot about data fields lately and I know my choices are no good. Since starting the OS and converting to Power and Pace, I am rethinking my whole approach to data fields. Currently, I ride with am Edge 705 and run with a Forerunner 305. Both are being replaced with a 910xt in couple weeks (come on, Amazon!), so I will need to configure that when it arrives as well.
Attached below are two pictures of the two data screens of my 705. I will add the 305 pictures tonight. Regarding the 705, I think the first page is OK, but the second page is duplication and junk.
So, here are some thought starters of what I am currently using. What are you guys using? What am I missing? When you are in the cockpit, what is the "mission critical data" and in what order of importance? Picutres would really help.
Screen 1

I use a Joule and a 305. The joule usually shows me (4 rows of two):
Current Power (3 sec avg) HR
Elev IF
Ride Time Cadence
My Garmin for running shows me Total time of run, current pace, HR, and distance.
I have a second screen I use for intervals, which shows last lap total time, current lap pace, HR and current lap distance
For me, the key metric is IF on the bike, and current pace on the run. It's easier to relate to the IF rather than the NP, as my FTP changes over time, and EN workouts are structured around % of FTP, which is basically IF.
Speed on the bike is a worthless measure, for both training and racing. Show the things you are trying to control, for me that's power and cadence. On the bike, due to wind, grade changes, stoplights, etc, speed can just be frustrating.
Al older thread with Rich's setup.
Since you are getting the 910XT, I will throw out my setup. Right now I only have the LYC in my field of view. It displays:
HR (if you use their strap only)
CADENCE (computed by hub, or via their proprietary sensor)
That's it. So, all I really see is WATTS and CADENCE.
Now, I also wear a 310XT on my wrist, but I don't really look at it while I ride. I program in all my workouts so that I get the intervals recorded how I want, as well as *beeps* when it is time to move on to something else. Outside, I rarely look at it. The occasional times that I do, it is usually to x-check my HR against Power & RPE.
- 3s average power (large)
- Lap average power
- Lap time
- Cadence
- Heart rate
I have a second page that I can flip to quickly that has time of day and overall elapsed ride time, among other things. I find that useful on outdoor rides when I need to keep track of what time it is in case I get delayed and need to get home.
I do not have speed set to show since that metric doesn't matter (as Al points out above). Nor do I bother with distance. I will say that when I race I set my bike computer to auto-lap every 4 (olympic) or 5 (HIM) miles. That way I don't worry about the negative consequences of trying to "average up" my lap average watts later in the race, since the average resets with each lap. And it does give me some clue as to how I'm doing, time-wise, without flipping to the backup page, since I'll occupy myself with the mental math of 4 miles in x:xx, etc...
For running (in case you care) I only show 3 fields because that is the maximum for the Garmin 405.
For training it is:
- Time (overall, not lap time)
- Lap average pace
- Cadence
For racing I replace cadence with lap distance.
cad / IF
Or if time must be at top, then
CAd / Distance