Big Bike Week Volume for HIM
The wiki for the BBW provides guidance on mileage for someone training for an IM, but I'm training for a HIM. Can anyone tell me how to modify the mileages for that? Is it as easy as jut cutting it in half?
IMO, a Big Bike Week is just that - a big bike week, and not a specific part of the training progression for any particular race. The idea is to use volume instead of intensity to jump start a quantum leap in bike strength. Given your current fitness, you may or may not be able to follow the exact mileage you quote. But the general principle is, the longer you go on a given day, the lower the intensity that day. Paying strict attention to details such as nutrition/hydration on and after the bike, saddle sore prevention, and daily extra rest & sleep go a long way to making the effort successful. Five days in a row is kinda tough unless you are already in great shape and/or are 25. A day off in the middle, replaced by a swim or something, can be a tonic for further efforts. Also, doing it with others is far preferable to slogging along alone.
Any chance these will be available before Mid March? I have a big week planned then in (I hope sunny) Arizona
Ian, likely but you can always post up your ideas and let the team give you their advice. MUCH knowledge around in here with putting together big training weeks, but...
Don't overthink it. Al's advice is spot on, excellent thoughts on structuring things. Tell us what you're thinking about doing and we and the team will give you our thoughts based on our experience.
Just before your Big Bike Week, go to your local pharmacy and order up a jar of Lantiseptic. At the very first sign of undercarriage chafing, apply like mad. Thank me afterward.
Be warned though, it's easier to expunge a criminal conviction from your record than it is to remove Lantiseptic from your fingers. Have a wet wipe or a rag nearby.
@Bill "undercarriage interface" -- lol
I gotta remember that one!
I chose to do my BBW at a camp because I didn't feel like riding a ton of miles by myself, and it's nice to have SAG support. I probably couldn't handle the stress of balancing 4-5 hours of riding each morning and going to work afterwards, so I figured that it'd be best to take the week off and make the most out of it.
Day 1 Travel day. I'm flying from the East Coast so all being well I should arrive in Tucson around noon. My intention is to get over to the hotel, set up my bike and (hopefully) get a ride in to check it out. After that I hope to get in an easy swim followed by stretching, an early dinner and then to bed. No run planned as I will have done a long run the day before.
Day 2 Up early for a group ride to Gates Pass and McCain loop Should be quite a 'sporty' ride so I suspect I'll be hanging onto the pack before being shelled out the back. Hopefully I'll have a chance to enjoy the scenery after that. My intention is keep my intensity to Z2/Z3 and not destroy my legs by trying to keep up with the fast group(s) The ride is probably about 35 miles with 2400 feet of climbing. I expect it to take about 2 hrs. After that back to the hotel for a late breakfast. Session 2 will be a short run followed by a 1.2 mile swim. Then stretch, rest and recover.
Day 3 1.2 mile swim before breakfast. Session 2 ride up Madera Canyon and return. 30 miles and 2700 feet of climbing. Plan is to stay Z2/Z3 until I get to the climb then I expect I will bump into Z4 efforts. Probably 90 mins / 2 hrs. Back to the hotel for lunch. Session 3 will be a 3 mile run. Then stretch, rest and recover
Day 4 Breakfast at the hotel before climb up Mt Lemmon. 60 miles and approx 7000 feet of climbing. Clearly the intensity here is going to get up there into Z4 pretty quickly. This ride could be 4/5 hours. Back to the hotel for lunch and a rest followed by short run and a 1.2 mile swim.
Day 5 Travel Day. Hopefully up early after yesterday's fun for a 1.2 mile swim. Follow that with breakfast and perhaps a run before packing up for the airport.
I'm not quite sure how to play this. For the swim I expect to follow the HIM week 8 or 9 plan but cut the swim time short once I reach the distance target. You'll see my suggested intensities for the rides. I'd welcome thoughts on how I should adjust for maximum benefit. The runs are all expected to be in EP.
Day 1 Travel day. I'm flying from the East Coast so all being well I should arrive in Tucson around noon. My intention is to get over to the hotel, set up my bike and (hopefully) get a ride in to check it out. After that I hope to get in an easy swim followed by stretching, an early dinner and then to bed. No run planned as I will have done a long run the day before.
Day 2 Up early for a group ride to Gates Pass and McCain loop Should be quite a 'sporty' ride so I suspect I'll be hanging onto the pack before being shelled out the back. Hopefully I'll have a chance to enjoy the scenery after that. My intention is keep my intensity to Z2/Z3 and not destroy my legs by trying to keep up with the fast group(s) The ride is probably about 35 miles with 2400 feet of climbing. I expect it to take about 2 hrs. After that back to the hotel for a late breakfast. Session 2 will be a short run followed by a 1.2 mile swim. Then stretch, rest and recover.
Day 3 1.2 mile swim before breakfast. Session 2 ride up Madera Canyon and return. 30 miles and 2700 feet of climbing. Plan is to stay Z2/Z3 until I get to the climb then I expect I will bump into Z4 efforts. Probably 90 mins / 2 hrs. Back to the hotel for lunch. Session 3 will be a 3 mile run. Then stretch, rest and recover
Day 4 Breakfast at the hotel before climb up Mt Lemmon. 60 miles and approx 7000 feet of climbing. Clearly the intensity here is going to get up there into Z4 pretty quickly. This ride could be 4/5 hours. Back to the hotel for lunch and a rest followed by short run and a 1.2 mile swim.
Day 5 Travel Day. Hopefully up early after yesterday's fun for a 1.2 mile swim. Follow that with breakfast and perhaps a run before packing up for the airport.
I'm not quite sure how to play this. For the swim I expect to follow the HIM week 8 or 9 plan but cut the swim time short once I reach the distance target. You'll see my suggested intensities for the rides. I'd welcome thoughts on how I should adjust for maximum benefit. The runs are all expected to be in EP.
Basically, you'll probably want to dial down the intensity of the riding if you're going to be spending lots of time in the saddle. However, it looks like you're planning a big tri week instead of just focusing on the bike. I would just be careful not to overcook yourself, as the point of a "big week" is to focus on volume instead of intensity.
With all that in mind, I wanted to be able to sleep in my own bed most of the week, if not all of it. I have small kids (4.5 and 1.5 years old) and I already travel a lot for work - 100,000+ miles with Delta every year for the past 5 years. Leaving home for five nights for my "hobby" just doesn't feel right for a bunch of reasons.
Since the EN camp in Monrovia, CA (I could have ridden my bike to that one....
So, here is what I found.... 5 days of riding in the Santa Monica Mountains above and around Malibu. Commute for me is around 90 minutes each way and I may stay a night toward the end as fatigue sets in. Date is March 26th through 30th. Then I have 5 week until THE "A" race of my season - Wildflower!
325 miles, 35,506 feet of elevation gain in 5 days.
Now I just need the Lantiseptic....