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Week 13 Bike


@Jenn - damn strong Tues Bike stats you monster!  Trying to catch back up with you!


I am about 95% back, TG!!  Nailed the 60’ bike V02 session this morning with a 5X 3’ @ 121-123%.  3’ feels like a whole new monster to me…….disregard speed below....I have the tension jacked up on my trainer...



Entire workout (237 watts):

    Duration:                1:00:51 (1:01:22)

    Work:                     863 kJ

    TSS:                       87.4 (intensity factor 0.936)

    Norm Power:     277

    Distance:               21.1 mi

                                   Min     Max    Avg

    Power:                    0         451     237     watts

    Heart Rate:            67       196     141     bpm

    Cadence:               31       147     82       rpm

    Speed:                    0         30.1    20.8    mph


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    Nice work Shaughn and Jenn. Worked it a bit hot myself today, going to have to calm down and pull back on the stick a bit so I don't overcook this week.

    6 x 2 @ 1.24 / 1.25 / 1.25 / 1.28 / 1.28 / 1.30
    16 min @ 0.82

    Tried keeping my eyes on the video play list instead of the Garmin and went a bit too hard. We'll see how the next two runs work out.
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    Nice work guys, killing these 2 and 3 minute intervals!

    I nudged mine up to 1:45, aiming for 2 later this week. But I didn't get the bike workout done until 8:00 last night so I really wasn't feeling the love. Had a great run earlier in the day though.

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     Clearly the intervals fried my brain this morning as i did not think to post them in a week 13 thread! 

    Good job all increasing those times, @shaughn, three minutes? 

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    Tinkering with Trainerroad.com this week.  Yesterday I did this insane session called "A Very Dark Place."  Hellacious 125%+ IF sections for minutes at a time.  Failed many of the intervals cuz I couldn't hold them.   But fun to try and do.  

    Todays session was 12' "ON" so modified the TR group ride this morning to get the 6 x 2' work done.  You can see the peaks in pic 2 for the first 6 segments.  Paid for yesterday s workout today.

    What became evident in the second pic below is I was starting too hard and then fading a bit at the end of each 2' segment.  #5 was my best.  #6 I melted the last 30".  It's one thing for me to see this in WKO post workout.  But was eye opening to see it real-time and trying to hang on.

    Here are my numbers:

    #1 - 1.22  

    #2 - 1.196  

    #3 - 1.192  

    #4 - 1.18  

    #5 - 1.121  

    #6 1.19 for 90"

    The remainder was 1 x 3' @ .9 and then 3 x 3' @ .8, .85 and .9.

    Overall bike was .868


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    Officially back to the regularly scheduled OS after Ragnar ultra-running adventures in Key West.

    Yes, yes, I can do 12' on time (good old, 5x5x30/30s, mixed with a few :451:00/1:15/). The best part? I am fairly sure I'm due a ftp bump, as I wasn't anywhere near puking near on these.

    I've also rediscovered the Pose Method drills. New OS bonus challenge for me? Be able to do track stands (without aid of trainer)
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    welcome back Beth

    got mine done - 6x2' Z5+ 15' Z3 + 20' bric @ Z2 - felt really strong on the VO2 today - was looking forward to see data - only problem is i forgot to start the timer on my garmin image - i use the timer on the dvd for intervals
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    @ Beth  - Welcome back that Ragnar race report was wicked congrats for finishing that race

    @Jenn ; - nice job with the recover and hammering it in to week 13

    @ Shaughn 3' just crazy hard.

    I got in 5X2'  - 291/290/291/292/293 1.22-1.24 and felt decent the last two were challenging but no where near as hard as last Saturday's after the FPT stuff.

    2x14' (2') .87 & .86.  I had to play a few mental games to complete the last 14'.  Watched cadenced, HR and counted some RPM's


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    I got the 12' today, with 6x2' @1.2-1.25, which kicked my a$$. I really struggled with the 80-85% afterwards, holding only 10'. Glad to be back at it after missing workouts dueto travel on Thurs and Sat last week.
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    Welcome back Beth!

    I'm a day off this week...traveled for work Tuesday. Ribs are still too sore to run, so I did yesterday's bike this morning. Went pretty well. Did the 15' on as:

    20' WU
    2 x 2:30/2:30 @ 123%, 125%
    2 x 2:00/2:00 @ 125%, 124%
    4 x 1:30/1:30 @ 124%, 125%, 124%, 124%
    6' @ 91%

    The first couple of reps felt pretty easy, but they just get harder and harder and harder! Hope everyone has a good run test. Mine will probably wait until the Valentine's Day 5K.
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    I've been a bit incognito...sorry...Busy life with kids and work... but I've been getting the workouts in. :-)

    Tuesday bike was 4 x 7' at
    280 (1.06)
    280 (1.06)
    281 (1.06)
    279 (1.05)

    15 min at 233 (0.88(
    7 min at 235 (0.88) ... had to go pick up a kid from swimming!

    Overall 0.90 IF for 1:20 with high IF of 1.11

    I've been able to do the VO2 stuff at the upper end of what's suggested (either power or time), but these 105%-110% intervals are really tough for me. Patrick's bike emphasis hack has them at 2 x 14, and that would about kill me, even at only ~6% over (range of 103-110% stated.

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    Bricking today for HIM plan:

    AM - 3200 yards in the pool

    PM - 55 mins on the trainer (TSS = 61.7) with Spinervals Suffer-O-Rama which is essentially a VO2 w/o. 3 mile brick run afterward.

    We are not really having a winter at all here. It was 82 in Tampa today, and I went through 4 towels on the trainer tonight. As long as I choose destination races my wife is behind me all the way, but I have to keep a steady supply of SAUs coming to make up for all the gross laundry I create.
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    Thursday bike today, outdoors in the sunshine. First time I've rode the Power Cranks outside. That was... exciting...and very very strange. Went to a flat TT course I use, didn't want to deal with hills on the cranks. 14' of ON time was broken up around natural obstacles - stop signs, bridges, etc. in intervals of 1' to 2.5', for a  total of 13.5'

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    @William - those are some seriously strong bike stats, even more so consdiering the run/swim stats you have to put up along side of them.


    @Paul H - glad you're sticking with us and sharing the HIM transition - helps to motivate me - looking super strong n steady there.


    @Robin - nice stats on the outside V02 experience......I cannot pay enough attention to outside environment when I do my V02s so have to reserve the trainer for those...



    Entire workout (229 watts):

        Duration:                1:00:11

        Work:                     825 kJ

        TSS:                       82.5 (intensity factor 0.911)

        Norm Power:          270


    Did not have that happy feeling when I got up this morning as expected from yesterday’s fight with the dreadmill.    Did a 3 X (5 X 1’(1’))3’  then a 1 X 2’ extra credit for a total of 17’ V02 after the WU but was basically a dark hour to get through.  All intervals were from 121-124%.


    Glad that’s over……….hoping to swim only tomorrow……


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    Bike workout was a bear this morning. Looking forward to a big rest day tomorrow!

    6 x 2 @ 1.27 / 1.28 / 1.28 / 1.25 / 1.22 / 1.27
    8 min @ 0.83
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    Bike workout of 7 X 2' (2') and then 1' (1') for 15' of ON. I flirted with the idea of 2:30s but didn't bite. Maybe on Saturday. Followed with 12' @ z3. Didn't download anything but all wattage was where it was supposed to be and felt good! 

    Noticing our test date is next week!??!! How did that happen?? I probably won't test... don't think I will have new #s to post, seeing as how I'm just starting to feel good again. My most recent test should suffice for the next few weeks. I am also happy for a day off! 

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    @Jenn, I'm with you on the testing. I'm going to hit a bike test because there may be an extra watt or two for the taking, but I'm definitely not feeling another VDOT bump.
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    @Roy - If you can hold 1.27 for 6x2, you should see a decent FTP bump.
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    crazy work week here

    wed wko = 0
    thur wko = 0
    fri wko = thur bike - 6x2'

    planning run test test sun @ local 5k then bike test mid week
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    After having a difficult time holding the VO2max intervals (even at 30/30s) for the first couple of weeks, things seem to be improving.  I was able to pretty much hit all of my 15' of ON time both Tue and Thu. as 1' ON/1' rest.  Links to TP.com files below:

    Tuesday Ride (on the rollers)

    Thursday Ride (on the trainer)

    What I've done is to break the intervals into sets like the old 30/30 intervals from a couple of years ago.  RnP used to prescrive 30/30s as something like 4 sets of 5x30/30s with 2' rest between sets.  I've found that trying to do 15x1'(1') or 30x30/30s all in a row is an exercise in futility for me.  So, instead, I experimented with the set concept.  On Tuesday, I decided to do as many reps as I could before taking 1 additional minute of rest.  I got through 10 intervals before I felt I should take a little extra rest.  As you can see, the result was a 13th interval and a 14th interval that were cut short due to my inability to maintain power.

    On Thursday, I decided to smiply do 3 x 5x1'(1') and rest after 5 reps, even if I didn't think I really needed to do so.  As a result, I managed to hit all 15 reps at 378+ watts.  It was still damn hard, but doable.  The 10' of ABP after that was brutal.

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    Active recovery on the bike tonight...45 mins with a TSS of only 17.7. Three hours of EN hell tomorrow!
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    Saturday's workout done today. More sore than usual after Wednesday's ride outside, I guess I pushed it harder than I thought I did. The weather here today was gorgeous so I did the run outside. Loving that!

    Hey, speaking of the run, does anyone know if the EMP is roughly the same as a predicted IM MP??

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    Saturday ride done. Tried to keep in it check in prep for Monday's test. Fun times.

    7 x 2 @ 1.21 / 1.21 / 1.21 / 1.21 / 1.22 / 1.22 / 1.27
    28 minutes @ 0.85

    Looking like a nice day for a EP run!
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    Finally recovered from the virus obviously and no run hack run on Friday helped……. Not a bad place to be considering Monday Bike FTP test looms……

     Entire workout (244 watts):

        Duration:               1:15:22

        Work:                     1101 kJ

        TSS:                       112.3 (intensity factor 0.95)

        Norm Power:          281



    5 X 3.5’ then 2 X 1.5’ V02 Hell session…….


    60’ run this evening.
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    Posted By Roy Ezell on 26 Jan 2012 02:37 PM

    @Jenn, I'm with you on the testing. I'm going to hit a bike test because there may be an extra watt or two for the taking, but I'm definitely not feeling another VDOT bump.

    Probably as good a time as any to point out that the test post the V02 block is often a disappointment to folks.  I could probably go back and look it up, but my recollection was that a lot of folks didn't see much improvement last year on this test.  Here's the link to the week 14 thread from last year:


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    Got mine done this morning. Went great...I don't know if I've ever felt my VO2 going up before, but today's intervals seemed much easier than the ones earlier in the week. Mine went like this:

    5 x 3' @ 275/277/274/277/276, so a range of 123-124%...didn't set out to do 3' intervals, but was counting pedal strokes with a towel over the clock. When I pulled the towel down at 225 pedal strokes, I was already at 2:37, so I just went ahead and did it. Once I did 1, it didn't seem that bad, so I just did them all as 3:00.
    15' @ 98%...was supposed to be 85%, but was feeling good just cranking it out...took a 1' break and then did 5' more.
    Total: 75' @ 89%

    I think I'll be able to run next week (ribs are better), but not doing it today. Going to ski I hope!
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    Hit myself upside the head with an EN brick this morning.

    60 miles in 2:58:50 on the Suncoast bike trail followed immediately by a 5 mile run. EN prescribed workout of 5 Z4/5 segments at 8, 10, 12, 12, and 10 mins followed by 4 x 12 mins @ Z3 then steady Z2 to finish. I only have power on my indoor trainer, but I'm pretty sure I left it all out on the trail this morning.
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    - Got my Tuesday and Thursday bike in (By HR on Fitnessbike image )
    - Got back in Germany on Friday morning,

    Did my bike test today (first time on my trainer (with Watt) since Week8 test)
    - was an epic fail - computer had first issues than it totally crashed after 10min in the 2nd interval

    Here is what I could reconstruct
    1st 20' 262W felt rather not that hard
    2nd 10' 285W was hard but doable
    AveP 264W -> NP 269W -> call it 270W image

    FTP went 3% up from 261W FTP -> to 270W
    I am happy as I was this block not training 2 straight weeks and than traveling.
    And I think if had finished my 2nd Interval I might be more in 275W range, maybe I will retest next weekend.

    Tomorrow I need to do my run test, yes I know that I should rest a day ... but hey i missed the 10min of FTP Testing fun today image

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    @Kai solid work increasing the FTP with all the work travel. 

    I'm missed two bikes out sick.  Good luck with the testing I'm still back a couple weeks on the Vo2 stuff.


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    7 weeks until San Juan! The bad part of being back on a race plan is going back to doing ABP rides the day after shelling yourself on a hard bike. So after running and swimming today, I got on the trainer for 1hr 45 mins this evening. I managed 60 mins of that in Z3/Z4 (56 mins Z3 and 4 mins Z4). Seemed harder than what I did yesterday.

    Good luck with your tests! I don't plan to look at my bike again until ... Tuesday. image
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    7 weeks until San Juan! The bad part of being back on a race plan is going back to doing ABP rides the day after shelling yourself on a hard bike. So after running and swimming today, I got on the trainer for 1hr 45 mins this evening. I managed 60 mins of that in Z3/Z4 (56 mins Z3 and 4 mins Z4). Seemed harder than what I did yesterday.

    Good luck with your tests! I don't plan to look at my bike again until ... Tuesday. image
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