5' vs 20' Power Ratios
Way back somewhere I think there was a discussion about what the "standard" ratio of 5' to 20' power was and what the implications might be for an athlete in terms of their relative VO2Max vs Lactate Threshold strengths/weaknesses. Anyone remember that?
I am thinking about switching my FTP test from the 2x20 protocol to the 1x5 and 1x20 Coggan protocol this week.
Note to newer folks, the 'power hack' referenced in the thread has been incorporated into the plans, and no longer exists as an add-on.
I use the 5 min and 20 min tests in the OS. My Pnorm 5 min divided by Pnorm 20 min is around 1.1 — meaning I have a very small attic.
What I have found is that if I use 120% of FTP as my VO2 max power in the OS, I dig myself into a deep hole very quickly. My FTP appeared to fall by 15 watts during the block and I got the symptoms of overtraining and had to rest.
So I use the Pnorm 5 mins as my VO2 max power. I find that much easier to do.
Just my 2 cents worth.
I missed the first 2.5 weeks of the VO2 block over xmas new year, my FTP still grew by 3-4% with in the last 6weeks, but i am sure that I can hold only 110% or 115% of FTP, so I wonder if there is guidance to maybe balance the 3rd block more towards V02 work instead of FTP.
What will you do when you results are showing you need to do more V02?
So if your attic is small (VO2 max is close to FTP), then you might need to use power closer to 110% than 120% of FTP in the second block.
I am not sure that you should adjust the third block without one of the coaches giving you advice.
You are right, I will continue with the Block 3 as is for now, and see how things develop. Test At the end of the V02 vs FTP.
My HIM Plan starts in in May, so I have 6-8 week gap, where I can address this point with the coaches
Sometimes things are simple