
Oct OS - Week of 6 Feb

Okay - made it to "taper" week! The workouts start to draw down a bit.  

Be sure to listen to the Podcast as Rich talks about how to interpret the test week and get a perspective on how the OS fits in the season.

Hope everyone is doing well and getting some good results in their wkos! Post when you can - the Oct OS Mojo is free when you need it!




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    @Lynne - understand how you feel. After last weekend's tough workouts, yesterday I felt totally unplugged. I did no exercise except for a 30' walk, took an epsom salt bath, took a Motrin, and went to bed early. Although I slept through both alarms, I felt much better and put in a tough workout this morning but skipped the run because I was running late.

    Last year, I went steadily downward the second half of the OS. I was putting in the time and nailing each workout, but I was never fully rested. Until - the last week #19 when I dialed it way back and set a PR for my 8mi Test.

    So - I think you said you were doing two week #19s. That should give you some taper time to get rested. if that is not enough - maybe that "stand-down" week that RnP have talked about.

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    Way to go OCT OS!!!! I just transitioned in to week 13/20 of the HIM plan for my race on 3/31...so no 2 wk transition/taper just yet...
    I want to thank all of you for all of the mojo you provided for the 18 wks of the OS! You have no idea how many times I "used" you all!!
    Congrats to everyone who is completing/will complete the OS very soon. Seriously...that was no joke! Hope to keep in touch on the forums and various groups EN has going...quite the busy place these days!!
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    @Annie - good luck on the HIM. I'm sure we'll meet again in Da Haus!

    @Lynne - same story here on the plateau results!

    So - another morning where I slept through Both Alarms and hit the ground running 30minutes late!

    Today's run workout was 1X800m(3'), 2 X1mi (5') @ Z4. Since it was 42 degrees and a stiff 12mph wind, I did the full two miles for warm up. Target times were 3:30 and 7:00 and I did 3:40, 7:05, and the 6:48. I cut short the cool down and zipped off to work. Looks like the OS is taking it's toll on me and in addition to oversleeping, I'm pretty much at a plateau as well.

    So, it's time to start focusing on recovery more and maybe even some body composition. I'm sure others out there can relate!
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    Hey now! Today's 3X15'(3')@Z4 was way hard.

    The first one - I hit the AVSPD and watched my HR rise from Z1 to Z4. For the second, I started off with the AVSPD for Z4, but once my HR got to the Z5, I backed off the speed as I thought, "I'm only halfway through and I've got another to do!. For the third, my AVHR was in the Z5 range for the 15' and I let the AVSPD drop to whatever - didn't matter at that point. This might've been my hardest bike wko so far.

    Anyone else bust through this wko yet?
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    Hmmn - where is everybody? Looks like we've certainly thinned out quite a bit.

    I would've done the outdoor option today and avoided another 6X 2.5'(2.5')@Z5, but it was just too cold and windy. Got it done and posted some good HR stats and kept the AVSPD up there. The 25' run after was a 3.2 at Z2/Z3 and not the prescribed Z3 - just cold and windy and certainly put the effort in though.

    @Lynne - know your HM is coming up. Hope the training is going well and you are able to get out on those Cold Canadian Roads!
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    Done! Cold at 32 and a stiff 12mph wind, but I got in the 2X.5(3') and 1mi @ Z4! Beat the target times and totaled 6.25miles. Now to chill out and figure out test week!

    Hope everyone is rolling along and keeping healthy!
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