Q: Inserting shorter races in OS
Hello Team,
I've read on the wiki to avoid racing during the Race Prep plans (which I plan to do no B or C racing in), but haven't read anything about that as it relates to the OS. In fact, I've seen things about inserting Half Marathons in. I am wondering if inserting a 10K and 5K (C races) here and there in the OS is something that doesn't have a negative impact on the OS. I feel that doing some short distance racing will keep me motivated. Thinking about just 2 or 3 through the 20 week OS.
Do you do this and has what impact has it had on your overall OS training? My personal thinking on this based on experience running for 5 years is that it won't be a negative, but want to check with others experiences here in the Haus.
Thanks for any comments.
10k = tougher than most of the prescribed workout. Probably want to pay attention to recovery (immediate nutrition, foam roller/stick, a little extra sleep) than usual, but no need to adjust the workouts.
Half Marathon = has a real recovery cost, and you probably won't be able to (or want to) push it on the Tuesday bike.