IM planning for 50+
Hi, I'm currently in OS, then switching to 12 weeks to do Ironman Syracuse 70.3. Coming back after a long hiatus (raced alot in mid 90's) In additon, gained a lot of weight. Was 238 two years ago, today- down to 191. Target weight 160 (5' 9.5" tall) Back then I considered my self a biker first, runner 2nd, the swim I did little traning for. Nowadays, I think i'm more of a runner first, biker 2nd, and now train weekly for the swim.
My actual question: With 104.6 ironman events being sold out a year in advanced in many cases I am seeking opinions of waiting to do a full IM in 2013 (register for LP is one possible race), or come off HIM Syracuse, and maybe do Rev3 Cedar Point in Ohio 11 weeks after HIM Syracuse. with the goal of just finishing and looking good doing it. Louisville would be 8 weeks and too close I think. Rev 3 Floride or the SC event are also possible. WIth $600 registrations I need to be well thought out as to being prepared, and not winging it. Being almost 52, I also need to think about additional recovery, and enjoying the ride. I'm not favoring one idea over the other, but I do need to think about planning and goals for next 12-18 months
Syracuse is my 'A' race, so a lot depends on how well it goes (thinking 6 to 6:30), no significant injuries, and I hit my weight targets.
Thanks in advance for your inputs.
is this the right forum to post this?
I take a shot at some comments. There are a couple places that you could seek specific advice. We have a boomers and beyond forum, but they do post here also. If you want specific feedback from the coaches post your question in the Macro thread in this forum. Rich or Patrick may see it here but you are guaranteed a response from one of them in that thread.
As you point out recovery is key and if you take longer to recover from a hard HIM effort then Louisville maybe too close. I believe that the in house discussion on timining of a HIM is 8 weeks is the closest that you absolutely want it. So the Rev 3 Cedar Point maybe a better choice if you want to get a full in this season. I'm not sure on the dates of the other Rev3 races that you mention but be wary of an early season 1/2 and then going very late in to the race season on you first year. Get back to the OS in November and create some speed for IM in 2013.
I don't think there is a wrong answer here and either is a possibilty but given you are just getting back in the game and working on body composition and worried about recovery/durability why not just focus on a couple 1/2's and call it a season.
LP is a possibilty for 2013 depending upon renewal of the contract. I believe 2012 is the last year and they have to renew after this years race.
THanks Patrick! Always trying to see how far I can take it
another round of OS before I go for the brass ring sounds good!