Home Outseaon November 2011 Group Discussion-Outseason November 2011

Week 17 NOS Bike Sessions

You guys are too quiet...must be an off day in the out season.  Sigh.  Well, here's the view from the other side: 

AM - slept in since I was off.  Got the car worked on, then hit the pool for 3,000 yards with speed focus.

PM - did some chores around the house, then ran 4.42 miles steady, picked up my daughter from school. More errands.

Evening - steeled myself for a long trainer ride with Spinervals "Have Mercy III."   121 mins with TSS = 129.  From the back of the DVD jacket:  "Have Mercy - Part III, is an insidious and strategic compilation of brutal high intensity interval sets ... designed to make grown men and women whimper in self pity for the pain they are enduring at the hands of Coach Troy."    

Well, I'm done snivelling now, but it may take a couple days before I recover.   




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     I have not been posting as much as I fell like I am "just putting my head down and going"

    Saturday did the 30 minute run right before my ride. Going to try that protocol this year and see how it goes. Slammed a gel and then went outside in the 60+ degree weather and rode 40 +- (38.7 in 1:49:50) at an IF of .87

    felt good to go outside and mainly just did an ABP ride with some VO@ work up the few hills around here.

    I don't think I drank enough (only 1.5 big bottles) and had not taken electrolytes with me (S-caps) so my left quad was screaming at me the last 4-5 miles.

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    @ Paul H - That is a brutal 130 TSS worth of work bro!  Way to Lead!

    @ Paul M - fantastic job on the 1:50 trainer ride!  Strong Work!

    Monday Os day off yielded 3,700M swim in outdoor 50M lap pool for me.

    This morning, another very tough bike for me.  Hit all the intervals as prescribed between .96 and .97 IFs.   Still feeling residual fatigue from Sunday Long run……..

    I have a 50 minute Z2 run later today.



    Entire workout (239 watts):

        Duration:           1:12:13

        Work:                1034 kJ

        TSS:                  90.2 (intensity factor 0.862)

        Norm Power:    262



    Good luck today all!
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    It's starting to get to the end of the OS when the post's really tail off.  Thanks for keeping us honest.  I'll be getting my Tuesday ride in after work. 

    Nice job on the workouts this week so far gentlemen.


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    Last week of VO2 stuff for me, then a test week coming up.  6X2' 291-294 ~1.22 then 15' at .85.


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    I got mine done at o'dark thirty. Hit all the intervals, but still super hard. Switched the 8, 10, 12, 10 to 13, 13, 7, 7...just the way the cookie crumbled I guess.
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    I'm still in double-trouble land for three more weeks, trying to hit everything in the OS plus all my karate workouts, for a grand total of 17.5 hours last week. I feel like I'm already in Ironman-land, time-wise. But I did get the ride done yesterday in the pain cave. Missed the brick run due to double karate, but had a good run today. Still hitting all of my target paces, trying to eat really well and get a solid 8+ hours of sleep at night.

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    I am still alive... just crazy busy, so I've been incognito.

    My not-quite-normal OS schedule had me testing this week. Gains in the last 6 weeks were modest, but I'm not sure I'm ever going to see the huge gains or big numbers some people will make. Kinda frustrating. But I should not complain... just broke the 4.0 barrier...just barely. 272 W and weighted in at 149 the other day....
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     @ William hitting 4.0 w/kg is nothing to sneeze about good work

    would like to say things went great today, but ended up having to break up the intervals into shorter segments to even hit the .95 IF

    got in the 30 minutes of total FTP work, but ended up being 14, 6, 5, 5

    I don't know if cumulative fatigue is fully set in or what, but having trouble with run paces too.

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    Got mine done this morning. I'm definitely with Paul in terms of mojo. Struggled through the first 15' pretty much right at 100%. Thought pretty seriously about throwing it in during the rest interval. I skied last night for about an hour, so thinking maybe I was just tired from that. Decided to just do 15' @ 85-90%, but once I got going I felt a little better. Ended up doing 10' and then 5" a little under target. Looked something like this:

    20' WU
    15' @ 100% (4')
    10' @ 95% (1')
    5' @ 98%

    Glad that I sucked it up and did the whole 30', and looking forward to a day off tomorrow...might ski, though. Ski season is so short, it just seems like a shame to miss a day when I can fit it in. Looking forward to getting smacked with a good storm on Sunday, so might have a couple of weeks of better snow coming.
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    Great job guys!

    @ William - fantastic results and congrats on hitting the 4.0!


    Morning 2 X 15s:


    Entire workout (237 watts):

        Duration:                56:00 (56:22)

        Work:                     797 kJ

        TSS:                       69.5 (intensity factor 0.871)

        Norm Power:          263


    Total of 35’ Z4 time this morning…….

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    Didn't have as much mojo as I would have liked, but I didn't do anything last niight let alone ski. So I got up and jumped on the trainer for 2 hours 26 mins, TSS = 141 (Spinvervals Muscular Endurance Plus). I pushed the AC down to 68 degrees and still went through 3 t-shirts and 5 towels. It was a good call though, because we are having tropical moisture today and Saturday will be much better for my long run.
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    Thanks gang. Now to try to run for a bit! :-)
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    @Paul - 2:26 is nutz! Nicely done...we're still a loooooooong way from tropical around here. Hoping for a nice snowstorm this weekend. Got to get at least a couple of weeks of real ski season!
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    Wow this team is really making progress. (Paul, William, Shaughn you are monsters). I had a somewhat bike focus week so far.

    Mon: Catched-up the SatLong Bike, 3x3' / 1x2' VO2 intervals (IF 1.18/1.21/1.22/1.20) + 20' Z3 (.86)
    Tue: Core/Upperbody weight work, Bike (I "hate" the plan FTP split ups) so i did 2x20 at 0.98/1.02 IF, 10' Z3 (.85), 25' Brick run (TM)
    Wed: Run as scheduled, some flex work afterwards, Sauna and cooling legs.
    Thu: Core/Upperbody weight work, Bike as scheduled 3x15' (.99/0.97/1.03) but again no Z3 stuff.

    Best thing was on Thu drink straight after the workout (as recovery) with an a fresh cool (alcohol free) "Weizenbier" (beer).
    That really made a difference, i felt the difference right after and i have today no fatique feeling, even though I did not the last 5 days.

    Tomorrow is my ramp-up run to my 1/2 mary volume image
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    NIce job with the strong work in the NOS

    Kai - I don't think doing 2X20 is a problem I believe that Coach Rich put in the 10' 8'  12' 10' to break up the 2X20 same type of workout.  Also at the end of the OS many are struggling to keep the watts up on the long FTP intervals.  Great work if you can hit a 2X20.

    I got in 5X2' and 2X1 ON.  My second workout of the VO2 block.  Looking forward to a test but can feel the leg. 

    My plan is to get the Saturday workout in as early as possible which will give me more recovery time. 


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    2 hours today on the IMCdA bike course on the Computrainer. This was the old course with all of those short 8 - 12% grade hills, so I'm pretty sure I got my 14' of ON time, LOL. Didn't get to do the run as my robotics team is here at the house and we leave for the State Championships tomorrow morning. Unlikely I'll get to do anything else this weekend.

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    TEST RESULTS IN! New FTP = 260.

    Yesterday I rode long in the morning and did a 4 mile shake-out run in he evening. I was supposed to do a swim test this morning but was too tired to get up. But when I came home from work tonight, I was feeling fresh, so I said...what they heck...let's test! My last test was 20 Dec in the OS with a 244 FTP. I knew I was going to bust it open although it still hurt soooo bad the last 3 minutes. I was thinking to myself: "Idiot, why do you do this at your age? When are you going to hang it up and enjoy Dunkin Donuts?" Well, it was worth it when I finished. But, that only gets me my power/weight ratio up to 3.77 -- more work to do! BTW, despite lowering the AC, my Joule shows the room at 78 degrees during the test....wonder what I could do in optimal conditions. Meanwhile, don't write the old guys off.
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    That's awesome stuff Paul. No way around it.
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    @ Paul - let me just say that a new FTP of 260 on top of the swim/run volumens is Superman level stuff!


    My morning session today:


    Entire workout (230 watts):

        Duration:               1:15:10

        Work:                     1038 kJ

        TSS:                       101.6 (intensity factor 0.903)

        Norm Power:          273


    Fatigued from the late evening run so had to do a 20 X 1’ V02 session……..
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    Ran 4.76 slow (37 miles total) plus 2500 yard swim in the morning (15,000 weekly total. On to lunch, then the trainer...oh my.

    2hrs 8 mins ABP ride with 30mins, 25mins, 3x10mins and 1x5mins @ Z3 (the new one!). TSS = 117.

    For the week, that's 4 rides on the trainer for 7.6 hours and a total TSS of 471.
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