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Announcement: A shift in focus for 2012 and a heads up for 2013

Folks, we recently sent you the email below and have posted it here, for further discussion. Please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns!



RnP have been working on big changes for you and we wanted to update all of you, as our members and stakeholders in Endurance Nation.

Big Picture:

RnP are shifting their focus, in many areas, towards providing more value to Team EN members.  How we are going to do that, what it looks like, etc, has many parts. We’ll do our best to cover them below.

“Automated” Marketing

We’ve launched a couple new things which have allowed us to basically turn a key and greatly expand our marketing reach:

  • New “public” website: This is our bread and butter for growing the Team and has been dramatically improved.
  • FastCamp: We created this to basically be a free, 8 week trial membership opportunity. This means RnP get to sell EN to over a 1,000 people in 8 focused weeks instead of all year long.

Reallocation of RnP Physical Presence

Since the founding of EN in 2007, the coaches’ physical presence at races and free/very low cost triathlon rallies have been equal parts “coach-the-team” and “market-the-team” opportunities for EN. However, the leverage of the marketing tools above will now allow us to shift our real world presence to providing more value to YOU, our members. This will be reflected in our approach to races, triathlon rallies, and OutSeason camps (new).

2013 Races: EN Will Target 2 x Ironmans and 2 x Half Ironmans Per Year

Endurance Nation, as a Team + Race Weekend Coaching Presence, will be targeting two Ironmans and two Half Ironmans per year. These races are:
  • Ironman Lake Placid -- Patrick
  • Ironman Wisconsin -- Rich
  • Ironman Kansas 70.3 -- Patrick
  • Ironman 70.3 TBD  -- Rich (we’ll let you know shortly!)

“What does targeted mean?”

In short, we want to blow out these races! Get as many of you as possible to register for these events, bring your families, coaches there to lead the team, massive team dinner, leverage the size of the team for discounted lodging and anything else we can think of. Imagine the season-long and race weekend mojo potential of 100+ EN athletes doing each of these races!

Now, next year Rich will race IMCDA and Patrick will race Ironman to Be Determined so there will be a coach and EN presence at these races as well, similar to what the team has been doing for years..it will just be a “lite” version of these other races. And of course EN Race Director John Stark will be on board to coordinate the EN race presence at MANY races.

But Endurance Nation, as a TEAM, will blow out the events above! We are telling you now so you can plan your ‘13 season accordingly. We hope you can join us!

Triathlon Rallies: FREE for the Team, Expensive for non-members.

We will offer triathlon rallies for the targeted Ironman events: Ironman Lake Placid and Ironman Wisconsin. These camps will be FREE for our members and $595 for non-members. In fact we are phasing in this shift immediately, raising the prices of our 2012 IMLP, IMLou, and IMWI rallies to $595 for non-members.

Our greatly expanded marketing reach allows us to charge a significant premium for our real world presence, and then apply that value to you, our members: FREE for you, $$$$ for everyone else. This clearly states where our priorities are (taking care of YOU) and gone will be the days of 100+ person camps with 70% non-members!

Regional OutSeason Skills Camps

If you’ve been following along, this is the RnP Math in the Real World:

  • In 2012...Rich and Patrick will be at 4 Ironmans, 2-3 x half Ironmans, lead 2 triathlon rallies, and 1-2 Crucible training camps EACH.
  • In 2013...that will shift to us each leading the team at 1 x Ironman, 1 x Half Ironman, 1 x Tri-Rally, and 1 x Crucible camp, as well as racing one Ironman and 1-2 Half Ironmans.
This much reduced but more focused travel schedule allows us to create new opportunities to add value to your membership by shifting our travel time on the calendar towards the OutSeason, providing regional skills camps:
  • Think Feb, March, and April depending on weather and geography.
  • Skills focused: swim, bike, and run skills clinic opportunities.
  • Very affordable for members, ludicrously expensive for non-members, clearly defining where our priorities lie.

In Summary:

RnP have dropped a big V-12 engine into the EN Bus and have put our marketing efforts on cruise control, freeing us up to....
  • Drive that bus, packed with EN members, to four key events per year...
  • Conduct two huge triathlon rallies (FREE for members)...
  • Add regional OutSeason skills camps to the calendar -- WE come to YOU to give you the skills help you need!
  • Charge non-members a significant premium, clearly stating where our priorities lie.

We sincerely appreciate your support and continued membership!

Rich and Patrick

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