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EN East Coast Swim Clinic on 4/14 from 11-3 in East Providence...

 Yes, it's the Saturday of the Boston Marathon weekend, but it's the only time I could swing it. Look for a run clinic to follow this up (from 3-5pm), just waiting for confirmation! This will be 3 hours of swim goodness getting you up to speed for a great year, especially coming out of the OutSeason!!!

Full details on Active.com here. I have been running this clinic for several years out of Boston; this will be my first RI edition, hope some of you can make it! 

Brief Description

The instructor will discuss key concepts that will help you swim smoother, faster and more efficiently, and will work with you in the pool to help you slice through the water.

What You'll Learn

A one hour presentation will illustrate important swimming concepts and demonstrate technique-boosting drills. Before you practice the drills, we'll use an underwater camera to videotape you swimming. We will then run you through a comprehensive drill progression and tape you again. After the clinic Patrick will deliver to you a comprehensive critique of your form, along with your video.

What You'll Receive Afterwards

Each participant will receive exclusive access to the Swim Clinic e-Book, a 20+ page swim clinic complete with video drill demonstrations and podcasts.

The Instructor

Patrick McCrann is a professional triathlon coach, an Ironman World Championship finisher, and the founder of Endurance Nation, an Ironman triathlon team with over 600 members world-wide. He has been coaching triathlon for almost a decade and is widely recognized as an expert in teaching age group triathletes how to reach their full potential in all three sports.

Required Ability

Most participants are triathletes training for their first race or looking to improve their existing technique. As such, this is a "learn how to swim BETTER" clinic, rather than a "learn how to swim" clinic. Participants should be able to swim 500-750yds continuously. If you or the instructor feels you are not suited for the clinic, he will refund a portion of your fee and you are welcome to sit in on the entire session for only $20. If you are still not sure, call Patrick at 617-513-3830.

What to bring:

A swimsuit, goggles, cap, towel and anything else you need to swim. Very important: Please also bring a pair of short fins, such as Zoomers. Again...bring a pair of fins to get the most value from the clinic!

The Site

The Boys and Girls Club of East Providence is indoors and has locker and shower facilities. For more information on the center, visit: http://www.epbgc.org/... For directions please visit:http://bit.ly/GDzuPZ...


Email patrick@endurancenation.us


Online only. There will be no registration at the event.

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