1st 100 yd euphoria
I don't know if this is just me or not, but does anyone else have the phenomen of having your first 100 in the pool go way faster than subsequent 100s? For me, I get a +10 sec boost even though I'm trying to swim easy. I can't imagine my form is decaying that quickly even though that seems like what's happening. This happen to anyone else?
so when I was swimming in college and with masters, there were a coupl of things we would do to address this:
Two things we used to do that help -- hypoxic breathing sets and longer rest periods.
Do a Hypoxic breathing set -- 3 x 200 ('30), breathing 3,5,3,7 x 50 (or 3,5, 7, 9) where you breath every 3rd, 5th, 7th, or 9th stroke. This forces you to smooth out your stroke and swim in oxygen debt, so when you are doing straight 50, 100, or 200 sets the breathing is not the issue. This is not a speed set, but a swim and breath mechanics set.
Do sets with longer rest intervals -- 10 x 100 ('45-'60); or leave on an interval that gives you longer breaks. The other alternative is doing 10x100 w/50 ('30) where you go hard for the 100, then swim a recovery 50, then rest 30'.
Of course you could also just work hard to slow yourself down by focusing REALLY hard on just a part of your stroke for the first 50 (catch, pull, recovery, or body roll).
my two cents