Integrating group workouts into training plans
I'm sure most of you would agree that doing workouts in a group setting is a lot more fun than just hanging out on our own all the time (you do interact with people outside this forum, right?) I'm wondering how everyone incorporates group workouts into their training given the potentially conficting nature of group sessions with the workouts in the EN plans (or any training plan in general).
Here's what I see available to me, but there's probably stuff that I've forgotten too.
- Masters swim: Pretty popular training option it seems, but I feel it's not always optimal given all the "real" swimmer stuff that we're made to do (ex. kick sets, paddles, butterfly, etc.
). On the other hand, I find swimming is *much* more bearable when other people are doing the same thing.
- Group rides: I live in an area where I can ride outdoors basically year-long, so all of my long weekend rides have been group rides with my local tri club. Instead of following the prescribed workouts to the letter, I'll just get my allotted Z3/Z4 work done the best I can by accumulating minutes climbing hills, chasing down stronger riders, etc.
- Group runs: There are a few running clubs in my area that host organized group runs with various pace groups. I'm thinking that I might start joining in for my easier runs.
- Track sessions: There's a track club nearby that hosts weekly workouts, but these are mostly aimed towards "real" runners with longer/faster intervals and more reps. The workouts aren't overwhelming, but they're certainly harder than the speed sessions in the EN plans and don't take into account tri-specific training. I think I can benefit from people pushing me in a group setting, but I'm wary of pushing too hard and ruining downstream workouts...
So obviously, there's a lot of variety in this. The spirit of our training plans is that we're not to follow them into a brick wall and do our best as self-coached athletes in managing things, and I guess that gives us flexibility in changing things up. On the other hand, I feel that the there's enough intention and purpose in the EN plans with respect to volume/intensity/frequency that we shouldn't just arbitrarily tweak things.
Any thoughts?
Swim - fine
Bike - as long as you stay in a group where you are slower than the median, it CAN serve you well. I would make sure you get your "work" in and not completely depend on the group to force your workout. Maybe use the group as a reward for getting work sets done on othe days?
Run - be careful here!
I know PTC and can say that you'll find a lot of missed opportunities riding with them from start to finish: potentially late start, 30' of admin/no drop to get to where the real riding starts, stuff like that. I can tell you what I've done with each of their routes but better to let me get my legs back and have you plugged in to what I do and the guys I ride with. You're also not going to learn group riding skills with them...the list goes on and on. As Patrick said, I usually timed my ride so I got in a lot of my quality before joining them, and then got more in with them but under my terms. I also dropped into the Montrose Ride about 45-60' from their finish and hammered at the front...but that's a very large, aggressive group ride. Not sure you're ready for that're too nice
. You gotta have skills, be strong, and ready to tell someone to GFY if required