My computrainer was an impulse buy
and I have no idea what I am doing. I do the whole test and reset the do-dad after 10 minutes of warming up and that is about all I seem to be able to master. OMGoodness! So, I did the bike test today (ok, a few days early, but I have an olympic tri on Friday ), and am so puzzled by my results. Basically I need a big computrainer expert to help me understand myself! Last bike test : Av watt = 140, av speed 36kph. Today: Av watt = 110 (WHAT??! - I know I'm a pitiful cyclist but really??), Av speed 44.4 kph. I just don't get it? Am I missing something? help.
There's plenty of CT experts around who should be able to help.
Couple of questions:
1. You mentioned that your last bike test was higher than today's test. Was your last bike test with a PM, and today's test was with the CT? If so, don't worry about it, and just use the PM numbers for your race.
2. When you set your resistance numbers on the CT, what did it measure? If it is < 2.00, it won't be as accurate. If I remember correctly, it should be somewhere between 2.00 and 3.00 to be the most accurate
3. Is this a new CT? If so, it should have been calibrated at Racermate and should be reasonably accurate.
There will be variability between a PM and a CT based on how they are measured. So, the numbers are just that: numbers. You can use the CT numbers to train on the CT and PM numbers to train with the PM. What's more important is that you use them in a consistent manner. My PM and CT are pretty close, but I know that my CT reads a bit higher, and that's after I did a manual recalilbration of slope on my PM. So, if it's really important to get the numbers consistent, and you are going to go back and forth between the CT and PM, it's worth it to recalibrate your PM to match the CT, since I don't think you can recalibrate the CT.
+1 What Mike said for now. Just race your race, and don't even start to think about what the CT is suposedly telling you.
I bought my CT in 2007, and it took me at least 6 months to figure out how to use it. The manual is, shall we say, lacking in clarity and focus. Then, it took me another couple of years to figure out how to integrate it into my workout routine.
I have discovered two means of making the CT more user friendly vis-a-vis the EN traiing plans. One (ERG+ from TrainingPeaks) will cost you $75 upfront, and will require a small amount of thinking and planning. The other ( costs $10/month, creates your workouts for you, analyzes them, and even takes over and operates your CT so you don't have to think at all. If you are interested in either of these, I've got a lot of hard won experience I can share.
That may very well be the understatement of the year! :-)
plus one to all other comments. Don't worry for now.
You've got to warm the thing up for 10-15 minutes and then calibrate every time.
Al's advice for Trainer Road and the erg software writer is great advice.
The device will survive a nuclear winter though
I think I can help you. My wife just started using my CompuTrainer and I've had to prepare a little 1-2-3 step document for her to have to get the thing started, warm-up and calibrate. No question, it's a process. Others have mentioned some good "add-ons" where you can spend your money for things that will enhance your CT experience. The one I like (the only one) is ErgVideo's LongThresholdIntervals. It's live video of riders doing EN-style work (Zone 4). You can customize rides for yourself (not hard) and it helps pass the time.
PM me your email address and I'll send you my quick start guide.
I was looking thru old e-mail this afternoon and found this thread. If you sent the quick start guide, I cannot seem to find it. Any chance you can pass one alaong again? I'd really appreciate it!
Monique, I admire you for taking the plunge!
@Jim, I can't find your doc in the wiki....wassup with that???
If you already have a CT, TR is a huge leap forward in software usability.
TR will work well with either Quarq or PT. For $10/mo and a money back guarantee it's hard to go wrong. Add a few $12 videos from Sufferfest and your workouts will fly by.