Lazier Tardiz Helmet Color?
Okay, let me preface this question by turning in my man card and admitting up front that this is a vanity question regarding the color of a helmet.... Okay, with that out of the way, here goes. I am using a LG Superleggara aero helmet now but I have never been that happy with it. It feels like a giant golf ball on my head, I mean they all look silly but this thing is redonculous!
I tried the Lazer Tardiz at my local shop this past week and really really liked the way that it fit. The one they had was solid black and while I love they way it looks I was worried about heat absorbtion. I can get a great deal on this helmet out of the shop but for the black one. Should I spend the few extra bucks for a white or other color or does it really matter? I race in the SE mostly though my ironman this year is in November.
Is the black helmet a bad idea or am I obsessing again?