Infinit NAPALM
Anyone else get the email about NAPALM? A new crystaline product that can be used like a gel. Looks pretty cool to me. . .
Anyone else get the email about NAPALM? A new crystaline product that can be used like a gel. Looks pretty cool to me. . .
Looks interesting, but what flavor is it? I see the new exciting flavor GRAPE
hows that gonna hold up at mile 18
I to thought te name was a little weird...
Bill: Let us know what you think.
The folks over at ST don't seem to like the name either...
"Still might give it a try, though, as long as they don't use that name on the shipping packaging. That might set off some alarms at USPS. "
It's a little weird as I expected it to be gel-like and it's not. I mixed it well ahead of time (the night before) and it is completely liquid the next morning. If you had a glass of it next to a glass full or regular Infinit, you couldn't tell the difference just by looking at them. It basically tastes like a super-concentrated Infinit formula, but it's in a yummy grape flavor so doesn't taste as sweet as say regular very concentrated Infinit. They advertise that it is less 'sticky' than regular gels since there is no messsy packet to open and discard or. While I will agree it is nice to not have a sticky packet left over, I have yet to find a good mechanism for carrying it. I have a tiny Fuel Belt bottle and a tiny camelbak brand bottle and both of them got sticky while using it. I think the pop-up nozzle on my bottles doesn't seal perfectly. It's also hard to know exactly how much you are taking. I thought I had 5 servings in my one bottle and took 3 sucks on it throughout my run and it was gone... The verdict is still out for me, but I'm definitely gonna keep trying as it made me much less sick to my stomach than normal gus or gels. I mostly need to find a better dispenser bottle and better fuel belt to carry it. One thing nice about a regular gel or gu is that you can simply grab one anywhere and tuck it in your shorts or any pocket. It takes a little more work and planning to take the Napalm...
I take the fact that the people over at ST don't seem to like the name as a ringing endorsement of it.
Thats good to hear, thanks for reporting back.
For the IM, I'll probably put 2 more full flasks in my RSN bag to reload at the halfway point. I only filled the water bottle on the lumbar up about 1/4 of the way and once I was confident the aid stations were 'regular' enough, I emptied the bottle on myself to cool off and ran the rest of the way with an empty bottle. I train with this belt on to carry my water. It chafe's me near my hip because I wear it really tight, but it is worth it...
I used the regular version. I don't drink coffee and have never really taken caffeine during races or otherwise, but I think that is simply a personal preference. The Grape flavor, dare I say it, actually tastes good. I took a small swig as I would approach every second aid station. Then I grabbed one cup of water, swished a mouthful around in my mouth and swallowed, then dumped the rest on my head. The Napalm doesn't coat your whole mouth like gels or Gus so by the time I left the aid station, I couldn't really taste it anymore.