Saddle Discomfort- Ladies Only
Hello there! I just added aerobars and had my road bike fitted a bit more tri before I started the OS. Prior, my saddle was fine for the most part. Just needed a bit more chamois butter on longer rides. FYI: It is one of those saddles with the cutout in the middle. Since riding the new fit, I get discomfort after like 1/2 hour, start fidgeting with pain/burning feeling in the "female area". So I went to have the fit tweaked today and the LBS fit guy reco'd a new saddle. I tried a few new ones when I got the aero fit, just for kicks but all hurt. So he says it may take a while to get used to but the tri saddle (gel nose) should be better. I know trying to get an aero fit on a road bike isn't ideal, but this is ridiculous!
I am willing to try anything but I am skeptical. If it hurts from the get-go, how is it going to get better? Do any saddles NOT hurt? (I kinda feel the same way about shoes!) Not looking forward to 4+ hr rides if this is how its going to be!
I have the Adamo Breakaway and am really happy with it as far as pain "down there" goes, my issue is chaffing the inner thighs because the nose is kind of wide. I know you said you have tried the saddles with the cutout but if you haven't tried Adamo maybe give it a shot and some friends of mine recommend the Cobb vflow. Just some ideas...good luck!
I've used the Selle SMP and the Cobb vflow Plus. I switched to the Cobb last year because the SMP was just too hard for long rides in tri shorts. I have that saddle on both my tri bike and my road bike. Cobb is just a little softer, but not so soft you sink into it and go numb. I'll use non padded tri shorts for most of my training, and switch to the Desoto 400 mile shorts if I'm doing multi day training like a big bike week, or really long rides.
You may need to heal up any irritation or bruising before you can really say if a saddle works for you or not. If a saddle hurts from the get go, play with the angle up or down a little. A few mm can make a big difference in how it feels. Good luck!
I just switched to the Adamo noseless saddle and my girl parts have never been happier. Nothing to get mashed against. But before that I had a women's Terry butterfly saddle that was fairly comfortable at Iron distance training. One thing I did was put a thin neoprene saddle cover on it. That seemed to make a big difference in longer rides. Also, I rarely ride in padded bike shorts, just tri shorts. I find that the shorts with more padding just means more to mash against. It seems counter-intuitive, but trying less padded shorts might be more comfortable.
I am going to try the neoprene cover on my Adamo for my next longer ride. I've found that in aero position this saddle is extremely comfortable, but in seated climbs it feels just a bit too narrow for my sit bones when I'm upright.
Last summer for a TT race I wore my bike shorts for the cycling team I belong to. I will NEVER do that again. It was soooo uncomfortable with the extra padding up front.
I now have an Adamo and pray that I never have to go through trying saddles again.
I have loaned the Cobb out for others to try.
If you are interested, I can send it to you to try.
if you like it, we can make a deal.
If you don't, send it back. I will find a home for it eventually.
Glad to hear the Cobb V-Flow is working out -- it is my saddle of choice, too. That, DZ Nuts, and a De Soto Forza tri shorts have been a very good working gear combination for a good while now.
What's worse?
A) Swimsuit shopping
C) Getting/adjusting/breaking in a new saddle
Good luck!
Sooo glad I am not the only one with this issue! I have a Cobb v-flow on my tri bike, and that's what's been giving me problems. I will have to investigate this adamo... I've been fit to both my tri and road bike, but it could also be outdated. I am really comfortable on my road bike, but I am unsure if I should try the same saddle that's on my road bike because the fit is different, you know?
I think I am just in denial about the whole thing (even though my skin has actually come *off* in very unhappy places), because my first road bike was a $300 dollar bike and I could ride for 5-6 hours easy with no problems - in tri shorts. Even when I got nicer road & tri bikes, I still never had problems, up until earlier this year. Thanks for these suggestions!!
I know you said you have been fitted on your tri bike. Have you considered going to TTBikeFIt?
I had 3 different bike shops look at my fit after my Cobb started to hate me.
Then Todd worked with me and between tweaking everything and changing the saddle, I am super comfortable.
i have also found during this time, that the less padding in my bike shorts the better my cut-away terry saddle was able to work.
Hope this helps some body out there! Ride on ladies!
omg! I may have found a fix!! first - my bike fitter put the nose down just a hair, this helped some, but not completely. However, today, totally counter intuitive (to me), I finally said screw it and rode on a pair of tri shorts that had much thinner padding than what I was used to (de soto forza instead of de soto 400 mile). and holy cow it was so freeing to not worry about anything!! I didn't realize how my riding had been affecting by bracing myself for the little jabs of pain...
John Cobb is fantastic about questions - if you call them, you usually can get John or his wife Ginger. I could never get my Adamo to work "just right" - on long rides, it was too wide amd would chafe my inner thigh. I ended up with a V-Flow plus and with a bit of help from John via the phone, I'm soooooo happy. I have it on all my bikes and even bought the pink version when it came out,- couldn't resist
John wrote a great blog post about Innies and Outies regarding women and his various seats. Here's the link:
I use the Adamo road saddle, works great! I had no adjustment issues, have used it for half -iron distance first full IM coming up in 2013.
well it is week two with the new seat. It is going back. I was using a S/ Jet 143 and loved it. Now this new Oura is a 165 and extremely uncomfortable. I am going back to a smaller one next week. Will let you know how it works. I found that the 165 was the correct size for my sit bones but,the issue is with extra width. Because there is so much more width the edge of the saddle rubs on my inner leg as I peddle. Hope the smaller one will do the trick.