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power tap PRO vs SL

my LBS sent me an email saying the Pro is the upgraded replacement for the SL.  Is that correct?


  •  The "old" lineup for PT hubs (in increasing price) was Elite, Pro, SL, SLC.

    Their new lineup is Pro, G3, G3C. So the Pro is now their entry-level. Coach Rich and Rich @ Wheelbuilder.com can give you a significant discount on a PT purchase, as well as provide insight into the hub for you. Myself, I went for the Pro, not seeing enough increase in value above that to justify the extra $$.

  • i now have the Powertap Pro and Joule 2.0. I only have Mac's in the house. Is Golden Cheetah the best program to get now so it will analyze my rides. read somewhere the Coach R said that without a program like this, all you have is an expensive cateye..correct?
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