race wheel rental for Eagleman... should I? what should I get?
So, I am contemplating renting race wheels for Eagleman. I won't say I am completely clueless when it comes to the subject, but I could really use some advice. (I've searched all over for info, and while it's out there, I felt compelled to ask about my specific race, etc)
Never rode on the Zipps before... I don't have a rear wheel w/ Powertap and wheel cover, so I'd be looking to rent both front and rear wheels. My question is.... what would you recommend getting? 404s? 808s? combo? rear disc? Eagleman can be a windy course, so I am not sure about riding w/ a disc... but I would LOVE any and all advice/comments, etc that anyone would be willing to share!
Thanks soooo much!
and Eagle is flat/straight...get disc and 6 or 8's on the front..
Just make sure you understand how to use valve extenders. And have tubes with short enough valves for the disc. And have pump that fits in a disc.
Yes you can just race without it. BUT, if you plan to use a rented front wheel you will need to use the disc. Otherwise the bike will be off balance with a deep front versus a regular back wheel.
Again, thanks everyone for the responses. I love EN!
@Ian ;How did the RR go? Were you @ Six Pillars? I ended up riding it... got a little windy on the back end of the course, as usual... gotta LOVE Egypt Road!
Did you ride the course w/ a wheelcover during your RR?