Home OutSeason (December '09)

First Retest


After one of those crappy days at work the last thing I wanted to do today was test on the bike but I knew that if I put it off my bad day would carry over so with little motivation I climbed on and ya know what? Old functional threshold 290, new 306! So needless to say my night just got a whole lot better.

Hope everyone else crushes it as well


  • Jeff,  That is a nice bump in your FTP in 7 short weeks and some HUGE numbers, Congratulations !!   Way to be mentally tough and get r done on a day when you just did not want to get on the bike.

    Time to reconfigure those zones so you can train even harder now!! 

    Great Work !

  • Jeff I have a question for you. I just noticed your 2010 goal is Clearwater.    What do you need to do to qualify at an IM 70.3 race, is it top 3 or 5 in AG or is it like IM and slots are distibuted by % of people in your AG? 

  • qualifying for clearwater is just like ironman with a roll down. It needs to be a ironman/70.3 sanctioned race so Lake Stevenson 70.3 is my only shot as my other A race being Wildflower wont get me there.
  • Hey Jeff, way to go with the increase dude! Jealous! :-)

    I'm a week behind you guys so checking out how you folks are getting on.
  • @ David
    thanks, glad its over but now I guess every workout on the bike gets tufter. If my v-dot goes up I don't know if I will make it day in, day out
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