Mobile Speed Tunnel. - is this a crock?
So, the mobile speed tunnel in a semi trailer came to the St Anthony's expo today. You can check their pretty much non functional website at We all know that wind tunnel data is valuable to pros to set their position, choose a helmet, etc. But can you build a valid, low speed wind tunnel to exacting tolerances in a trailer and expect to get meaningful results? I don't know what they charge but I bet it is substantial. Is this just pure marketing BS in a trailer? Let the engineers weigh in!
(I am not an engineer though.)
IMO, wind tunnel testing isn't something that most AG athletes need. I agree that it's pretty cool that we have this kind of stuff accessible to us, but I feel that it's a really low ROI in general. After all, we can get nominal aero gains just by spending money on a good bike fit and a pointy helmet. I feel that there's just no need to spend more time and money in validating that, to whatever degree of precision and accuracy that might be available.
(Full disclosure: I'm an astronomer, not an engineer. In my field, any number accurate within a factor of 10 is good enough for our purposes.
My all-time favorite is the x-lab gorilla bottle cage. Let me get this straight: you invented a behind the seat bottle system - that isn't really necesssary and doesn't add any value - which created a problem of launching bottles. So you developed a bottle cage to solve the problem. kinda an answer to a question nobody was asking in the first place!
Or, in the words of ST, that will take decades of engineering to undo.
I'm with Stephen. Might be good enough to tell you what common sense would anyway.
But I think there's a huge amount of garbage wind tunnel data out there as it is. See the PowerTri blog and David Warden's tests, for example. I enjoyed DW's old podcasts, but those data at least FEEL LIKE a load of crock.