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Yards or meters for Weds run

For the Weds run is it yards or meters? I figured yards but there is a significant difference at 1000...not so much at 200's.



  • I've been treating it as meters, since 400 = 1/4 mile, etc.  400 yards would be a strange number (need 440 yards for 1/4 mile, or once around the track).


  • Meters, definitely meters.
  • When we wrote the run workouts we never consider yards or meters. I don't think it matters, just be consistent.

  • Thanks guys. 



  • I made an assumption and use yards.

    I just divide the interval yards by 1760 and plug the result into my Garmin; i.e. 200/1760 = .11 and round up - in this example I would run .12 of one mile.

    Since I do all my runs on the roads, it keeps me straight providing I can hear the little beeps telling me it is once again time to stop the noodling and get rocking.
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