Browse training plans?
Is there a way to review different training plans short of swapping out what you currently have loaded? I'm just interested in seeing what the big bike week and big tri weeks look like and maybe simply cruising the short course plans out of curiosity.
Little does an outsider know, that probably only 1/2 of the EN offering is actually the training plans!
@ Stephen - i hear and agree with RnP desire to protect their IP - i started out as a "buy our training plan guy" but soon thereafter joined EN - i remember part of their pitch is you have access to all plans all the time (in addition to forums...)
I believe we're entitled to this info so long as we don't abuse it and don't piss off the "tri gods"
i.e. Advanced SC is Plan #55, so the URL for week 18 is:
Beg SC is p=57, and Int SC is p=58.
Not a sinister plot to protect ourselves, just that we only have so much bandwidth to develop so much whizbangery so we focus on the what is absolutely necessary: load up a plan to end on a race, plan backfills the calendar, then you train
. As you can only train with one plan at a time, that's why we've only built it to see one plan at a time.
As you've all well documented here, there are many ways to basically work around the system and get what you need and more with just a few keystrokes and, frankly, exposing Patrick and I to a lot of risk.
But in the end we count on you, our members, athletes, and friends to do the right thing.
Let me get this straight...
I'm not supposed to be selling the plans for 1/2 price to others, right? Geez, taking all the fun out of it.
I do the same like Daniela. I just did yesterday my "smart guy thing" on adjusting the HIM intermedate plan to help me ramp up into the plan
So yes, giving the oppertunity to browse the plans gives some risk, but also helps RnP to improve the overall quality for all.
Rich, BTW: there are some "smaller" bugs on 2012 HIM Intermedate
Week 4 -
- Saturday has no bike, where Basic and Advance have
Week 8 -
- Saturday has no bike, where Basic and Advance have
Just easier for low tech me to print out my plan and lay it on table and look at it as a whole rather than weekly. As others have indicated, I'd print out other plans if I wanted to have a peek too. Think this is ok as long as you are supplementing your income....Bob! LOL
Not exactly what you want, but maybe something close, I used the Volume and events worksheets on the season planning spreadsheet to load up my ical calendar with what each week holds in terms of volume, RR, Big Day, testing etc for the rest of my season. Didn't take too long 10 minutes or so. Now I know whats comming when, at a macro level.... Screenshot from the spreadsheet below:
pretty cool Rian!