I'm going to race a few pounds heavy
It's probably not the coolest thing to say around here, but I have to make an admission, and I think sometimes it's worth doing that here along with all the other great stuff we read about each other.
I've been training hard for my first A-race of the year, the KS 70.3. My bike is at its best ever; my swim is at its best since I was in high school, and my run is very nearly where it was last year, which was lifetime best. So, I've not been messing around.
But I also have kids who are a year older than last year and have been more demanding on my time and energy. My wife's job became more stressful because of travel, and I took up being chair of my department over the past summer...a position that eats tremendous time and puts a surprising amount of stress on me. (I like it...it's just lots of extra stuff.)
So, I haven't had the "personal stress tolerance" to really slim down as I might like. I'm no pig, and I've probably put on a bit of upper body muscle from swimming more, but I'm probably also carrying a few last pounds that I shouldn't. I raced last year at 145ish, and next month, it'll be more like 150ish. I attach a (horrible mug shot) photo of myself. Again, nothing ridiculous. Just not rail thin like I could be if I had the energy to dedicate to it.
So I guess I'm posting this in part to declare myself as close to guilt free as I can be. I also think that it's worth all of us remembering that weight control itself adds stress as does training and other parts of our lives. I'm just feeling maxed out. I can be "responsible" about it, but I don't have the mental energy to be obsessive. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
I'd say you don't look bad at all! I too, am racing slightly heavier where I want to be (145 lbs, instead of my usual 140). Totally agree that life adds a lot of stuff that you just can't control at times...
On a side note, your glasses are awesome
. I also noted that you're a UCLA alum (sorry, being creepy here). I'm headed there in the fall for grad school (astrophysics PhD). Go Bruins!! 
I didn't know you were running for political office?
Oh yeah, put down the donut, fattie
Kidding, kidding.
You will do great you big fattie.
Professor Jenks: Putting the "stud", in "study".
A Bruin I be!
I was there 82-86, so it's been a while, but I still visit back occasionally. My research advisor (from BS, not PhD) died fairly recently, but I have a good friend and a few acquaintances on the chemistry staff there.
Good luck! I'm sure you'll enjoy the place!
Ha ha! Thanks for the chuckle.
One of the coaches with the swim club I am working with was a student in my class a couple years ago. Now he gets revenge. Also, it turns out he can deadlift (not kidding here) 560 lbs. Now THAT dude is a stud!
@Rich - You should be clear that I did not post - how shall we call it - an Anthony Wiener photo?!!
That said, last time I was 150 was 6th grade...
William - HAHA!!!! Your mug shot reminds me of the "before" and "after" pics that gimmacky weight-loss companies use. The person always has the most depressed-my-life-sucks-look-at-my-spare-tire expression on their face in the "before" shot. The "after" shot is all smiley with huge white teeth and a fake tan. Next time throw a big grin and a thumbs up in your pic. You'll instantly be 10 pounds lighter. ;-)
x3 on Dotties comment! lol!! I think if you are biking, swimming, and running better than "before" your body has adjusted and you will be just fine.
Good luck in your races!!
Something's Gotta Give for us Age Groupers, right? We are short on many things. Time, sleep, stretching, rolling, etc. etc..when you add food to the mix its often the tipping point sanity. We often compare ourselves amongst the folks of EN which is good BUT It's also good to do a reality check and compare ourselves with the rest of the average world. William, you are one Fit Dude with some damn fine body comp...5lbs less and ok you would be a little lighter, w/kg a little better, lighter on your feet for the run, but where you are right now is just fine IMO.
If you are a female don't read these next lines
I think it's also important for all of us to be realistic with where you are within the spectrum of the Ironman field on race day. If body comp isn't your issue its easy to relax a bit on the food thing, but if it is an issue maybe the advise would be different, especially if it might impact your ability to finish the race or meet your expectations on race day. I could say that for Swim bike run also. It's real easy to skip that 3rd swim for the week because of fatigue or schedule BUT, if you're at risk for missing the swim cut off or just not a very strong swimmer that 3rd swim probably has more importance. Having said that,,,, something's gotta give.
PS...do you share shaving and waxing tips with Lieberman???
Just off knee surgery and I am the heaviest weight that I have ever been. 185 pounds now, normally 170, race weight 165. I would not worry about it because the camera adds 10 pounds and the mirror add 10 pounds so that is 20 pounds right there!!!
It's May but I'm at my typical January weight...ugg...so I've fired up LoseIt!, will run 5x, ride 4x this week, plan to hit the pool today to try out the shoulder and do some of the exercises the PT gave me. I even did 20 pullups today as sets of 7, no pain in bicep or shoulder...but don't tell the doc.
I think I screwed up by telling Joanne what I weighed for IMWI. She now thinks that's my normal weight when it's easily about 5-7lb lighter than I can comfortably maintain. ~160-163lb for me. <155lb and I'm Paris Hilton's chihuahua in any air conditioned space <img src="http://members.endurancenation.us/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/biggrin.gif" alt="" />.
@ Rich Yeah, as many other threads have noted.... Lose It or some other logging system is pretty effective. A great tool. That said, I find cutting weight does require "stress" no matter how you look at it. We'll see how it goes for me. A month to go to KS.
In all seriousness, great perspective you have to recognize what you can and can't control in life, and be OK with it. That's something we can all learn from.
BTW, I met Macca when he raced in Des Moines last year. He spent the morning with some locals on a ride and then was very nice about chatting after the race. He was extremely gracious and friendly. I doubt he'd remember by face again, but he treated me (and the other guys) like a friend. He probably just chatted for 5 minutes about his race after it was over with me and Chris like we were buddies.
In any case, after your 52 VDOT kicks my ass at 70.3 Kansas in a few weeks, how about we head to Kansas City and eat some BBQ at Jack Stack together? I've been looking forward to that part of race day since I signed up!!
@ prof, Thx for keeping your pants on.
@ALL, funny post this AM , made me laugh, women always winning " can lose weight " waaaaa....
Aug 2010 (pre-HIM) 147 total, 135 lean mass
Aug 2011 (pre-IM WI) 147 total, 137 lean mass
May 2012 (pre KS 70.3) 149 total, 138 lean mass
May yet be in the same boat as in past years, but I'm still going to just "be careful" in the last couple weeks and not "be obsessive."
If you're using a Tanita BF scale, a drop in body fat $-age may also mean a rise in total hydration - as I get more hydrated during the day, my BF goes down. As we get closer to IM race day fitness, our blood volume increases. There is more to life than muscle and fat.
I don't know where brain cells lie on the muscle/fat continuum, nor do I know if we get more or less of them as we get closer to IM race day
I'm not sure how precise these things are really (accuracy is less important than precision here...) but you can qualitatively track hydration through out the day or in the short term by weight IF your weight x BF% is more or less constant. That number would be the total fat... Then if the total fat is constant and the rest of the body weight varies notably throughout the day or from day to day, its due to some combination of what you've got in your gut plus hydration.