Computrainer questions/help
I am hoping to connect with a WSM who is proficient in using their Computrainer - Tech Support and the CT Forums have been of little help. Is there a CT Guru who can spare a few minutes? Willing to exchange a case of your favorite beverage or a Starbucks Gift Card! Please PM me -
Cheers - Woody
Woody, I too would love some expert info. on how to maximize the use of my CT. I am new to power and am trying to learn all I can. Might be others as well. Maybe some sort of a live chat where we could do some Q & A???
just sent an email - post questions here if you like. Mayve we can all learn!
My email message:
Saw your EN message. I have had at CT for many years. Was an expert
at one time! In the past year or two I've used programs that override
the CT software so I don't have to deal with it any more. Currently
using TrainerRoad which allows you to ride workouts and the CT just
adjusts power on the fly.
On the CT I've written my own workouts, and used most of the features
at one time or another. As you know, it's not very intuitive!
Anyway, let me know what ails you and I'll try my best to help.
Tom Glynn
I would recommend putting the manuals back in the box. They are in beta mode upgrading their software. Right now it's out with 500 people banging away on it. No mention of full release, but if you've had it in a box for 6 years, I'd wait a few more months
There are some good interactive DVDs out there. The ones I have used are here:
As you noted, they are fairly expensive. The cool thing about these videos is that you plug in your FT and then just pedal. CT takes over, adjusting the tension as the ride gets easier or harder.
I bought my CT years ago because of all the cool graphics, spin scan analysis and things like that. I never used the features. I wrote all the EN workouts for the CT and just used Erg mode and watched the data screen.
Something I would highly recommend is an online product called TrainerRoad (TR). It's fairly new and I have been using it for about 3 months. All you need is your CT, a laptop or computer, an internet connection and an ANT+ stick ($60). They have hundreds of courses to choose from, many very close to the EN style of threshold workouts. Plug and play, really really simple. Pick a workout and just pedal. If you want you can play videos in the background. Really fun videos are the Sufferfest movies. About $12 a piece and the sync with TrainerRoad. Looks like they are bringing out other videos that sync with the workouts.
Best thing is TR is only $10 month. Try it and if you don't like it, they will give you your money back. I don't think I'll ever use CT software again.
Having said all this, if you really want to get your CT up and running and want to use their software, I'm happy to help you through the manual.
Sent from my iPad
On May 15, 2012, at 9:14 AM, Woodrow Freese wrote:
Thanks for your message Tom -
My CT is about 6 years old. Got it when I was working p/t at a bike shop and it has sat in a box. I have not hooked it up or used it at all.
I am in the process of seting it up, from scratch, and the owner's manual, especially from a technical primate (that would be me!), is a nightmare to use, in my opinion!
That said, I am getting ready to order a DVD of the Kona course - $99 seems pretty steep to get the interactive live course. Any thoughts as to where one might get this less expensive? Might this available for download on-line somewhere that won't cost me $$?
Thanks -
My experience with the CT is exactly the same as Tom's - nothing to add there. But as to spending $99 for a course video - DON'T. I've got the CDA, AZ, and Kona courses (all bought for $79, at least), and have ridden them each a few times. Negatives: each time you get a new computer, or even upgrade your OS version (or in my case, reload Parallels for the Mac), you may need to get a new authorization code from RacerMate. It got to be such a pain, I just stopped doing it. Also, although the "look" may be there for the course, the "feel" isn't. As in, you can't coast down a hill. If you go slower than the moto from which they filmed, the scenery will go by in slow motion. And, there is no heat rising from the lava nor are there any winds to deal with. The video won't prepare you any better for the race than just riding the course after you get on the island.
I'd offer to sell my videos, but I worry about someone being able to use them, given the copy-protection paranoia on their part.
Having said all that, I bought my CT in 2007, and have not seen fit to get another trainer since. Due to the huge established user base, it is a de facto standard, and so add-ons such as TrainingPeaks' ERG+ and TrainerRoad, as well as all the non-video courses (all the IMs and many 70.3s) one can load in, make it a reasonable option as long as you've got it sitting around.
Woody - when I researched that question - I've had to replace that cable twice - I discovered that such cable internal wirings can differ, and it would be hard to find out in advance if anything other the proprietary CT cable would work. So I was reluctant to experiment.
Another silly question > With Trainer Road, how to you use EN workouts? Given that TR has set programs and does not have the ability to make a custon ride, allowing for specific intervals.
I am going o plug the CT in as soon as the cable arrives - very excited!
As a tech primate, I really appreciate the newbie questions and support!
For now I just scroll through their workouts (usually the ones tagged as "Threshold") and can find one pretty similar. If you want an exact workout, then pick one of the "Free" rides, which is simply a 30/60/90/120 minute ride. The CT can toggle between "erg/slope modes" with one of the buttons on the unit. The slope mode is you changing gears to set the power level, so just print out the EN workout and start pedalling in slope mode.
I almost always pick a TR file cause it's just plain easy and there are hundreds to choose from.
University, Kaeweah, Jordan, Angels, Bear Creek ,.,, I'm sure you can find others, once you get into the system.
Here are the VO2 workouts I've used: Downward spiral - I eased into this one, building my "on" time up from 10' to 18' - it's two sets of progressively shorter intervals with equal recovery periods.
Hell Hath No Fury is another workout on TR which, thought tough, is a lot like an EN effort.
I'm running the beta software on my CT right now and it's OK but years too late to be honest. With upstarts like TR making it so elegant and easy I have a tough time even going to their software to evaluate it. Multiple folks must have the same feeling as they have sent out a couple of emails so far saying that they aren't getting any feedback on the beta.
As Al said the videos are just no worth it. I have a couple that I bought when I got my CT and rode them a couple of times and once the novelty wore off they just weren't that fun. A course like Kona is not something you would do on a typical ride and the inability to jump around inside the video makes it pretty boring as you are repeating the same N mile section each time and never getting to see the whole course. So might think that maybe the shorter courses would work better but I have Alcatraz as well which is super short and I don't ride that one either.
Tom/Al -
One quick question,
Does trainerroad offer the freedom of using my CT without the RPM cord?
Does it bridge the gap between CT and ANT+? I have the Garmin GSC10 on my bike from my Garmin Edge.
My Trainer Road/CompuTrainer set-up:
CRT resistance trainer attached to CT head unit; CT head unit connected to computer via USB cable
PowerTap powermeter connected wirelessly (ANT+) to Joule head unit.
ANT+ USB dongle in computer picking up PowerTap data: HR, cadence, power
Trainer Road software reflecting: PT HR and cadence, and CT power; also, TR controls trainer resistence back through the CT head unit and cables.
With this set up, I do not use any CT software. The data files are saved both in TR, and on my Joule.
It sounds complicated, but it is two less cables than the usual CT spaghetti, has a more elgant user interface, and is easier to use and adjust on the fly. The CT resistence changes per TR instructions the same as it would if controlled by CT software.
I don't know anything about this, but here's a purported ANT+ system for the CT
I don't use the CT software, HR or cadence.
This setup is easy, the TR piece is portable and works great.
Here is a little review of the piece that Al mentioned above:
Will definitely use it moving forward.
Since I have hijacked this thread I am going to stop and start a new one regarding using TR.