Regional Skills / Learning Camps for 2012-13 -- Input Needed
Folks, as part of our initiative to get RnP in the field and connecting with the Team (and connecting you with each other), we'll be doing some regional weekend events between November and February of next "season". For background on the planning, read this thread.
The goal here will be part instruction and part training -- given it will be the winter for most folks, we could see a swim clinic, or an indoor bike session, maybe a run skills clinic. RnP will talk OutSeason, etc. These events could be stand alone or could piggyback on an existing expo or event if that makes sense for timing / participants, etc. Please note these events would be open to the public as well as the Team.
Given we have mutliple rallies and coach supported races and camps already scheduled for the 2013 season, the regions we are looking at are:
- NorthEast (NY on Up & East)
- MidAtlantic (DC / VA)
- MidWest (Chicago)
- South (Texas)
- West (CA somewhere)
How You Can Help
If you live in one of those regions above, please let us know what the options are in terms of events, facilities, etc. If you help us plan it out, we promise we'll get you a hook up of some kind! Please reply so we can talk about this in the open and then we'll take it off-line in a few....many thanks!!!
~ Patrick
ps - sorry for hi-jacking the General Discussions forum, I just wanted everyone to see this, thanks!!
X2 for atlanta! Alternatively Charlotte would be a great SE area as well. Great pool facilities, good country roads for riding. Glad to help if I can.
If we need a meeting room or bigger venue that would be easy to arrange.
Lots to choose from in the SE PA/Mid-Southern Jersey/Delaware area to choose from. Glad to assist.
I'm in the burbs of ATL.
Biking: good to great riding most of the year (Late Jan to the beginning of March can be sketchy). Mountains within 90 min. Traffic and commerce thins out a bit outside the perimeter, rolling hills with good roads most everywhere. And we have a rails-to-trails from ATL to Alabama that is about the flattest piece of riding around here.
Running: if you hold 'base' closer in to the city, Columns Drive is popular spot for the In The City cyclists and runners. Relatively flat with some wide trails, if looking to mix it up. Speaking only for my little NE ATL area, I could probably get the OK for us to use the N. Gwinnett HS track. A fall back would be possibly setting something up with my gym, LifeTime, for pool access and there's running options outside that could be used for hills and/or flatter runs (tho not super scenic)
Swimming: Lifetime, possibly. But, preferably, maybe SwimAtlanta or Dynamo would work with us. They have great facilities. I'm sure there'd be some sort of $ to have 15-HoweverMany EN'ers and potential EN'ers show up, but it would be worth it. Out of several pools, a few have the long course setup during particular times.
Oh, and it's easy access. Major interstates piping in from all sides to go with the big airport.
Just giving something to consider. good luck with it.
If you want to center a Texas 'camp' around some cycling, there's two pretty big events in the early season:
-Easter Hill Country Tour; 3 days of "hill country", based out of Kerrville TX, on Easter weekend every year (of course)
-TX Hell week; 9 days available (2 weekends and the week between), based out of Fredericksburg TX, usually mid-March. Weather can be kinda sketchy, but has always been good for me in years past.
Don't know about many pools or open water around those areas, but where you can bike you can run also!
I, and my side biz, Golden Adventures, can help secure lodging for participants (and any other EN event).
EDIT: Both Kerrville and Fredericksburg TX are about 90 minutes west of Austin. 5 hour drive to/from Dallas/Ft Worth. I usually drive down to Kville or Fburg at least twice each Spring.
AS far as events to piggy back with, other than the great events Paul mentioned
1. Dolphins cycling challenge Nov 1 and 2 (170 miles over 2 days in Miami, Ft. Lauderdale and Palm beach)
2. Horrible Hundred November 18th in Clermont, includes Sugar Loaf, Buckhills and the wall
3. Marathon of the Palm Beaches December 2,
4. Disney Marathon weekend Jan 10-13
5. Miami Marathon Jan 27
6. A1A marathon Feb 17
7. 13.1 Miami March 4
8. Palm 100 Relay (6 person 100 mile relay from Ft. Lauderdale to West Palm beach and back course is up A1A) Late March
These are events I just pulled off the top of my head. A little research would surely find more. Also there are a few Tris ( sprints and Olys) still going on that time of year I believe as well as the Bone Island Half and Full Jan 12, Key West sprint and Oly Dec 1, and FAU sprint in Feb.
I am sure we could do a pool rental and given that it is a phys ed building on a college campus, come up with an appropriate room for trainers/bikes.
Easy Access via highways, access by train from NYC not so good...
A bunch of my teammates from college are now head coaches in the Chicago Public School system. One of the guys I ride with weekly (and ran with) is a head coach.
I am sure I can get some space at one if not two schools for the Chicago group.
This would provide indoor area for biking, swimming pool access, etc.
Only issue would be competing for time in the pool. Let me know if this helps out. The more lead time the easier it will be.
What P said about this being a SKILLS camp. You can provide you with no end of free, low cost opportunities to either thrash you ourselves or show you how to thrash yourself. But the intent of these camps is to shift our appearances at races, where you see us once at dinner, once for the 4k talk, and maybe a couple times on race day, to instead creating opportunities for us to teach you and for you to also plug directly into the great wealth of experience that the team has.
Short answer is that the training opportunities concurrent with the camp location are secondary to:
The ATL peeps: back in the Dark Ages of about 2003 I did a camp out of Emory University because I still had a few "ins" there. I taught in a classroom, did a swim clinic in their awesome pool, running clinic on the track, and I think we "maybe" did a ride out to Stone Mtn or something.
... and I'm only half-kidding.
Western US: San Diego or Tuscon.
I never seem to get a lot of training done in Vegas!
K, here's another idea. There's a very large rec facility in Suwanee called The Suwanee Sports Academy, , that would provide plenty of instruction room. Big 'classrooms' to go with HUGE airspace in the gym for bikes and trainers. There's an indoor track around the top, too. 4-5 lanes wide, if I recall correctly. So, this place can be rented for the right $ I believe. They sell out to huge camps all the time, including the NBA's developmental league in the past. Only downside is that they don't have a pool. SwimAtlanta is only about 15-20min away.
Rich - I spent 2 years post grad at Emory. The facilities are top shelf. But, I got no pull there. If you have any, you should call them in. Great place to do this kind of thing. ONLY DOWNSIDE IS THE HORRIBLE PARKING THAT EXISTED WHEN YOU WERE THERE HAS ONLY GOTTEN EXPONENTIALLY WORSE. Minor detail but worth considering when you make a decision.
I guess #1 would be the combination of a date, city, and venue that would be affordable for a lot of people and a lot of EN members would attend. So a camp(s) in a great location....that most people have to fly to is just a no-go. Beyond that:
So that's the list, I guess
. I know I could easily put all of this together in my backyard but I also know that getting to LA can be expensive for a lot of people, due to time zones, flying, and/or the driving distances out here on the west coast.
My family is in Atlanta so that works out very well for me but, like I said, #1 priority are locations that work for the greatest number of members.
Even though I could probably arrange for those facilities pretty straightforwardly, that would probably eliminate Ames. :-)
Is it worth thinking about locations that are near some of the popular races? (Madison and Lawrence or its environs come to mind in the midwest)
Yes, we've considered the WI, Chicago area as a lot of you are out there. But the contraint then becomes the date and weather. We generally want to do these in the Nov-Mar or April time frame, as we then start to get into the race season, etc.
Scotts idea for tx is great. I know we can arrange all of that here in Dallas as well. I know the Trishop out here is arranging a camp with julie dibbens for a 3 day thing. Getting the pool, meeting rooms, etc so doing it again for EN won't be an issue. I'm in good with the owners (friends of mine) so I know they can help us out. They would love the traffic as well obviously.
We have a lot of routes in the area as well with whatever you need. Also endless pool available, computrainers a couple locations with pools and rooms to utilize or just the performance center at Trishop. (
My vote is for Atlanta. Unfortunately I can not offer any local knowledge, I've never been there. I'll be moving to NW FL in July!