Sever Calf Pain??
Went for my 90 minute run today. Everything felt fine when I started. After about 2.5 miles I felt a little tightness in my calf. After the interval I was doing, I stopped to walk and experienced intense pain - almost like a cramp - pain is mid calf toward the inside. Tried stretching, but that didn't nelp. Tried jogging and it felt fine - so I jogged back to the office and put ice on it. That didn't seem to help. When I got home, I applied moist heat. That seemed to help, but it's still very painful. Any ideas??
and until you know, it's hard to treat.
I've gone thru this about once a year for the last 3-4 years. pain in the calf is a pain in the ass. did PT so much that I got fed up with copays and commuting. finally decided to just rehab it myself. Cold therapy, proper stretches, dry needling, ultrasound by the PT. cold therapy, proper stretches and rest by me.
Ultimately, the thing that worked best for me was NOT running. And after if felt fine, not to 'test' it out for another 2 weeks (at least). that reinjured it so many times and put off the comeback even longer. Luckily, swimming and biking didn't aggravate it at all. I keep up the fitness that way and hit the running with a whole new strategy of survival.
running comes back quickly, don't worry. Just takes patience and smarts.
I have a thread a few pages down in this forum on my experience, haven't updated it since Feb I think.
Though I usually hurt mine in the OS, not sure how I would handle it if I had a race coming up.
good luck.