Check me out!
I lifted WEIGHTS today!
Yep, endurance athlete in the gym for the first time since about...'02 or '03. 24HR Fitness. Kinda smelly, about 50 x treadmill, exercise bikes, hamster wheel dealios on the first floor, weights upstairs. I grabbed a flat bench, assortment of 10-45lb dumbells and just went to work. Some lat pulldowns, seated rows, even got on the benchpress and made myself feel sorta good by not struggling (too much) with 135lb. Laydeez, this is the bar + 1 x 45 on each side against which all manly men measure themselves. Happy to say I passed (if 135lb is passing). Pretty sure I'd even be able to bench my body least once, with a spotter . Yay me!!
Maybe RnJnSnR can run to the gym (it's maybe a mile), park SnR on a treadmill, she and I can lift, she can tell me what I'm doing wrong, then we can run home!
Gonna be friggin' sore tomorrow, though, I can feel it. Ouch!
Pics or........
No pics, not cameras, no cell phones allowed.
This was my first time, I think, in a large commercial gym. My past experience was the gym at my work area at Camp Pendleton, or on a ship, or at Fort Sill, Quantico, etc. Just not gonna touch the "legs area," that's for sure.
Apparently I also need to buy some baggie pants, carrie around a gallon of water, and wear an ipod?
Probably need camo baggies, crocs, and a do rag.
Is this the beginning of big change, or am I over thinking this?
I'd love to see strength training workouts sneaking into the EN Training plans one day, especially during OS
Highly, highly unlikely that we will ever put strength training into the OS. Just doesn't make you a faster triathlete, certainly not for the time invested. Door to door, I was out, lifted, and home in about 50'. Probably would have been faster if I had just ran to the gym. I just didn't stop moving, never rested, was always lifting "something." But I know that WU: 10', 3 x 1 mile at T-pace, 5' walking would have been a MUCH better triathlon-y workout than that lifting session.
For me, I'm a couple months away from 42, I continue to not do pushups or pullups despite 115lb chicks calling me out on Facebook, so I'm trying to something old which is new again: going to the gym, doing some stuff I used to do, and getting out. This is all about me and my goals, zero with me being a better triathlete, cyclist, etc. I won't touch my legs in that gym, ever, because they'll always likely be shelled/recovering from a bike or run, as they should be.
That said, awesome that everyone is participating the pushup/pullup/core work stuff. I'm gonna start recruiting for my Pink Speedo at IMWI Team soon
Someone we know was at the gym and got this pic - your arms are looking HUGE!
WHOA NOW, BACK UP! I'm only 109! Check the Weekly Wednesday Weight Challenge Spreadsheet that you have also been avoiding and get those facts strait!
@Rich, you haven't even responded to the push-up callouts. You must be biting your tongue!
Well Rich, you are at the age where weights are a good thing... heck you're only a stones through away from joining us in the 50+ forum.
Easy...I don't check the thread
You will be sore on Thurs at our age Rich.
@ David: sounds like power hack 2011 in the making.
I'm actually not very sore today. At least I can dress myself, get out of the recliner, etc.
wait til tomorrow
He won't be able to tomorrow! My kids get sore the day after. Me...2 days after. Youth....
ahhh the good ole days... now I'm a relative weakling and just trying to get faster on the swim/bike/run