Here's another update as these foot problems are persistant. I'm still working with the Podiatrist (since spring 2012). I guess the formal diagnosis is Morton's Neuroma. I have suffered from pain on and off through several years, but last spring (spring 2012) it became unbearable (how far can you hop on one foot?). So far the podiatrist has given me orthodics and 3 cortisone shots. The two in the right foot have done nothing. The shot in the left foot seemed to help calm things down. The ortho inserts make running somewhat bearable but are far from a fix. There is a doc in my area who does cryosurgery (freezes the nerve), but insurance considers it experimental and doesn't pay for it. At this point I am avoiding "minimalist" shoes (like Brooks PureFlow, etc.) and going with more traditional shoes with a little more drop (Brooks Revena). I'm worried that when I hit the full IM training plan this summer, the feet will pack up. If anyone has a suggestion, I would love to entertain it.
@Steven, as of now I say go find a foot/ortho, not a podiatrist. I'll update again after my procedure this week, and then again after my two week "vacation", when I return to training.
More update: I finally received those custom D2 shoes and Wow! do they do the trick! I'm a happy-footed camper.
A buddy of mine had a pair made for him a couple of years ago, received them just before a 1200k brevet, took a huge chance and wore them and had zero negative issues.
The bandages were coming off on their own already, so the doc's PA said I could unwrap them as long as I kept the incisions dry (thank you, Tegaderm!). But I wanted to take a pic before I rewrapped!
The swelling and bruising (actually blood pooling) on the right one isn't that bad, even though it had the worse of the two nerves removed. I can pretty much walk with full weight (shhh...don't tell the doc!) without pain.
The left is more swollen still, as you can see. I can only put about 50% weight on it yet, but it's getting better day-by-day!
Unfortunately, I still have to wrap them in ace bandages and wear the space shoes - at least until next Wednesday when the stitches are removed.
Just got my stitches out and permission to "return to duty". PA says I'm not supposed to run for another month, but the doc previously told me I could do whatever I can tolerate, pain-wise.
I'm just looking forward to getting back at it! I've got an IM to train for!
A buddy of mine had a pair made for him a couple of years ago, received them just before a 1200k brevet, took a huge chance and wore them and had zero negative issues.
Had my surgery on Fri 3/1. Overall, it took me more time to come out from under the anesthesia than the procedure itself.
Today, two days later, walking is a little tender still, as to be expected.
My doc was ever so nice to take pics of the damaged nerves before he sent them off to the lab, so I included them for y'all to see.
Basically, they're supposed to look like a thin "Y", with no adhesions/knots.
Well, as you can see the left one wasn't too bad except for the adhesion that seems to be forming in the middle.
The right one, on the other hand - was JACKED up! Doc was very surprised to see it that bad.

I included a pic of my space shoes that I'm sporting for the near future.

I have an appt on 3/13 to have the stitches removed, then it's back to GAME ON!
One week post-op (light graphic warning!!)
The bandages were coming off on their own already, so the doc's PA said I could unwrap them as long as I kept the incisions dry (thank you, Tegaderm!). But I wanted to take a pic before I rewrapped!
The swelling and bruising (actually blood pooling) on the right one isn't that bad, even though it had the worse of the two nerves removed. I can pretty much walk with full weight (shhh...don't tell the doc!) without pain.
The left is more swollen still, as you can see. I can only put about 50% weight on it yet, but it's getting better day-by-day!

Unfortunately, I still have to wrap them in ace bandages and wear the space shoes - at least until next Wednesday when the stitches are removed.
I'm just looking forward to getting back at it! I've got an IM to train for!