IM With Limited Run Training?
Yikes - where to start....
I've spent the better part of the past year and a half with ribs that refuse to stay where they belong - it initially started with a slipped rib on the left (they subluxate at the costovertebral joint - where the rib meets the spine in the thoracic area). It got so bad that I herniated a disc in my cervical spine. After ~16 months and multiple visits to the P.T., chiro, and the boys at Pursuit Athletic Performance for a full on gait analysis, it FINALLY resolved (I somehow managed IMLou pain-free in the middle of all of that... I guess I had that weird race day endorphin/adrenaline mojo thing working in my favor!). Then, right on cue, I slipped a rib on the RIGHT - awesome! It's now been four months since the right rib popped out, and this time I've had enough - I'm having prolotherapy injections to address the lax ligaments that hold the ribs in place, BUT... we're now about 11 weeks out from IMNYC and I'm *starting* to get a little concerned!
Here's the issue: Running. I can generally manage a Z1-2 for 6-9 slow miles (~10' pace), but I've had zero runs longer than 8-9 miles in the past month, and I've missed several run workouts due to the rib issue and a nice little flare up of sesamoiditis. I've substituted extra work on the bike in place of most of the runs that I've missed, and I'm diligently doing my core/stability work. The bike is fine - no worries there. Swimming isn't an issue either (I took September through March off from swimming to see if it would help, and it didn't - so I'm back in the pool with no additional pain when I swim - I'm just S-L-O-W!).
So.... anyone out there have experience with limited run volume during IM training? I'm curious how others have dealt with this, whether or not bike fitness translated to run fitness on some level, and how you handled run pacing on race day if your legs didn't have the training miles in them.... and I kind of want to know I'm not the only one who's had to put up with this, too!
Jessica, I can only share my experience I just had at IMTX, but I think the short answer is: you will finish the marathon, but don't expect a PR on that discipline!
I, too, worked with the smart guys at PAP, starting in January with run jail, and my longest run before IMTX topped out at about 2 hours (12 miles at my prescribed marathon pace). I was worried about the marathon, but determined to finish the race. I ended up running the entire first lap (except aid stations), almost 9 miles, and then started a run/walk strategy for the remainder. In hindsight, I could have/should have run more, but it's difficult to argue with your body at that part of the day!
My family noted that I looked strong on the run throughout, so I think the core work with PAP really paid off.
I wouldn't worry about not running as long as everyone else - you will do great!
First, please read this wiki post about how to properly frame your season, this race, etc.
Second, yes, you will finish. I've known many athletes over the years in similar positions, including myself. I did a 10:36 at Kona, with a 4:2x run, after not running a step for about 9wks before the race. I rolled my ankle very badly on a trail run (Sonny sabotaged me!) I rode my ass off that summer and when I started the run, it just was what it is. I knew I didn't have any run durability so I just did the best I could for as long as I could.
So, in the end, it is what it is, do the best you can to fix it / sort it out, and adjust your expectations for run day. I've seen many athletes be sucessful with water running, if that's an option for you.
Kristen, THANK YOU so much for sharing your experience - if I could write the script for the perfect case study related to what I'm going through, it would be you! I started my PAP routine (including Run Jail!) back in January, too, and right now I'm anticipating a longest run of 12miles pre-IMNYC as well... Wow - that probably made your 30' PR that much sweeter for you!
Coach - I swear I've read that post eleventeen times since you posted it! It's excellent! Race day expectations are most definitely adjusted accordingly!
Many thanks to both of you!!!
You will be fine. The IM plans are set so that 12 week can get you to the race so you have the bulk of the long runs yet to complete. Get the ongoing issues resolved and just make sure you don't try to do too much running or make any up. Even if you don't get any further in distance you can finish.
I think you are doing the right thing in coming in strong on the bike and not trying to push the running through the issue.
My experience in Lake Placid in 2004 was a long run of 6-7 miles and I completed it with a lot of walking and LSD training. So as mentioned just adjust your expectations and realize that the line for you will come sooner that mile 18 on the run.
Good luck
Good luck to you. And keep us posted!
@Ann - I really surprised myself the other day with a solid 90' hilly run! It felt GOOD! I'm shocked that the run fitness is still there... I think the PAP exercises made all the difference - even though my run volume has been low, the run stability specific exercises left me feeling strong and my legs weren't dead tired. My biggest problem had been my back - the repetitive arm swing was super painful for my neck and shoulder (which ruled out any tempo and speed work), but the prolo injections seem to be taking care of that... I would be a lot further along right now if I hadn't had that recurring issue - so hang in there and keep the faith!!! Your body might surprise you!!!
@Steve - yes!!!! I've been following your water running thread!!! I'm really starting to think I need to take it up - you're a convincing convert!