Home OutSeason (December '09)

Monotonous intervals

I don't post that often, but last night's intervals of 2x12' for the bike (I'm in week 5) were brutal .  Having the TV on is not cutting it.  Any advice for livening up the pain cave is greatly appreciated, especially with 2x20's coming up.



    I watch TV for my intervals and it works okay most of the time. When it's not cutting it, it's time to blast the music, or put on a replay of TdF or some Ironman Kona broadcast. That'll kick you in the pants watching every pro out there compete in much worse conditions than we usually do. Or that could jsut be me. Who knows!!!
  • +1 to LOUD MUSIC.

    I was in the Apple store yesterday with a buggy ipod, explaining that I direly needed my device of bike interval mojo.

  • I have to mentally break everything into smaller portions... a 20 minute interval to me is 5 minutes of easing into my target watts, 10 minutes of holding as close as I can, and then 5 minutes of pushing as hard as I can to finish.

    FWIW, i do the same in races as well.
  • I also mentally break my intervals down. It works most of the time for me. Im not sure why but I guess I trick my brain.
    Im also out in the garage with no Radio or TV. Just awhite door to stare at....
  • Motivating music is the way to go.   In my opinion if you are pushing these inetervals hard you can not focus on what is on t.v.

    If I have tried to watch t.v in the past my mind wanders and watts drop, can't have that.    Zone 3 and below t.v. can be a good distractor, otherwise stay focused on your technique is pushing hard.

  • Yep iPod is the way to go with some motivating tracks and I find it easier to get isolated within my own space/zone if that makes sense?
    Also have the TV on which I'll watch during the rest periods. Are you 'clock watching' ? I use a powertap CPU but use a second device for the time, in my case my old Polar which I can spin round the bars so I can't see the time!
    When I'm struggling I do keep checking the time however but 'cos it takes more of an effort to do it the tendancy is to not to bother - when you do check you hope for a nice surprise that you've gone longer than you think!
  • 2 x 20s is a part of your personal history doode. 8' of work, 4' of hump, 8' until done. I watch HULU and am fine...have a computer with that going, or music, a mirror a la the old rowing days...and the mental image of me crushing it on race day...

  • Like the mirror idea...maybe that's why Rich went to the gym to lift weights the other day image
  • @Patrick - a mirror WTF?! :-)

    Seriously, what you looking at/for? Seeing myself in a sweaty mess & going thru' a sufferfest doesn't seem that motivating! I'll try anything if it works dude............
  • Mirror totally helps. If the door to the cave is open too far, it blocks it and I am not happy. Can't explain it, but watching yourself be tough, watching the legs tick over the cadence--dunno but I like it too.

  • Posted By Patrick McCrann on 21 Jan 2010 07:23 AM

    2 x 20s is a part of your personal history doode. 8' of work, 4' of hump, 8' until done. I watch HULU and am fine...have a computer with that going, or music, a mirror a la the old rowing days...and the mental image of me crushing it on race day...



    Part of my personal history?  Uggg, hated the 2x20's (and dreaded the 3x20's) in college.  What makes you think I'll enjoy them in the Nation?!?!?!  You're nuts.  Tonight I'm going to slug through a cold on the bike. 

  • Posted By Linda Patch on 21 Jan 2010 08:50 AM

    Mirror totally helps. If the door to the cave is open too far, it blocks it and I am not happy. Can't explain it, but watching yourself be tough, watching the legs tick over the cadence--dunno but I like it too.

    Mirror?  Heavens No!  The glorious image I have of myself would be shattered with just one glance!!!


  • Loud music and a playlist with 5 minute songs. 20 minutes is 4 songs!

  • I find scowling and yelling into the mirror helpful when the pain begins to mount, sure beats stairing at a white wall.

  • Ok, had one of 'those' sessions today, typical Thursday it seems after tough swim session over lunchtime - did remember a technique to get thru it - really focus on mixing up your pedal action:

    - the usual - just keeping it smooth & pedalling in circles.

    - the 'shoe scraper' on both legs, then alternate the action between legs.

    - 'pull-ups', focus on the up-stroke only - again, alternate sides.

    - Try, 'scissors' - shoe-scraper one side & pull-ups the other.

    Also, good exercise to activate the glutes & quads idependently - as well as just taking your mind off stuff.

    The original reason I did them was to improve cadence & pedalling efficiency for MTB racing - improves the ability to put the power down/negotiate obstacles on loose terrain etc.

  • I must be a bit more simple minded than other ENers because, while I can use many terms and words to describe the OS bike trainer rides, monotonous is definitely not the one I would use.

    I keep the teevee off because when I start watching it my watt numbers decline. I also previously used an iPod but got tired of the wires mixed with the sweat.

    Now I have a radio on close by, which I can plug my iPod into if I want. But most of the time I keep it on talk radio when I ride - not sure what that says about me.

    Whether I am listening to talk radio or rock and roll, at the point when the ride begins to get tough it all becomes just background noise.  At that point I am concentrating on holding on and maintaining my wattage numbers as I sweat and drool all over my little yellow computer.

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