Zones for the run and the bike for Olympic triathlons
Have a question about pacing during short course triathlons. The SC execution post talks about pacing with HR. During bike 0-20 minutes high zone 3/low zone 4 and 20 minutes to finish zone 4? Are those zones are the same once transition to riding with power? For the run, Low zone 4 for first mile, zone 4-low zone 5 for 1-4 and zone 5 miles 4-6. How do these zones correlate with pace? if running with pace do I use HR as a guide and focus more on pace and what is the general pacing guidelines for the 10 k ?
Run: I start at TP+20Sec/km for 1-4km, 4-7km TP, 7-10km what is left.
But I reduce my VDOT by 1 or 3 points, depending on the course and heat.
For the run, I take the open pace, and knock it down one zone. So, Zone 4 is very close to my open 10k pace, and I try to race at Z3. My best races I've hit that number right on. I've never exceeded it, even on the flattest course with my peak performances.
For a sprint, I'd do just about the same, but be looking for 1.0-1.05 on the PM, and planning to hit Z4 pace on the run.
Guiding principle in both races is that it's really, really hard to blow yourself up on the bike if you keep your efforts at or below threshold, so just go for it, and avoid VO2-style spikes!!!
For an Oly, on the run, the guidance there for HR is the reality-based idea that if you start out absolutely red-lining (zone 5), you'll probably fade too much. However, here the HR and pace correspondence may not be so good. You will probably finish the last few miles in HR zone 5 but not be able to get to "pace zone 5". If you start out at HMP for a couple of miles and can finish at TP, you will have been very successful. Again, that's pretty close to what everyone here is saying.