KS 70.3 bib numbers in excel format
...in case you want to see who your competition is, or how many of them there are or whatever.
This is the May 23 list. If they publish another one and you want to convert it yourself, it's pretty easy: If you have Adobe Acrobat Pro, you can download the pdf yourself and do a "save as spreadsheet", which is all I did.
If not, take a look at the run course. The whole thing is a series of out and backs and in a couple of places you can see the other side of the "loop" as well...and it's a two-loop run....the point of all this is that (depending on your timing), you may actually see the pros live while they are nearer the end of the race than you. Even if they are as much as 10 mi ahead running. :-) I did the race in 2009 and 2011. In 2009, I crossed paths with Chrissie Wellington a couple of times. In 2011, I saw people I knew to be the pro men, but I honestly don't remember who they were.
Anyway, if that's something you enjoy, make sure to look up pictures of them and you're very likely to see a few while running.
For spots, I think you just divide the number in your AG by the total, multiply by 100 and round down to account for the 80+ age group etc. :-)
It appears to me that there are more guys on the pointy end in my age group this year.
Do you recognize the names? I look at the names and have no clue who is fast and who isn't. Other than Adam Zucco, who is in my AG and kicked ass at Vegas last year...and is the other book-end to the alphabet, which is the only reason I know about him!!